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Matèria: Filosofia natural - Física
- Alessio, Franco, "Per uno studio sull'ottica del Trecento", Studi Medievali, 1961, 3a s., 2/2, 444-504
- Baffioni, Carmela, "Aristotle, Arabic: Physics", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 116-118
- Biard, Joël - Rommevaux, Sabine (eds.), La nature et le vide dans la physique médiévale: études dédiées à Edward Grant, Turnhout: Brepols, 2012, 437 pp., (Studia Artistarum, 32)
- Bydén, Börje, "Natural Philosophy, Byzantine", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 858-863
- Caiazzo, Irene, "Filosofia della natura e fisica elementare nell'Alto Medioevo", dins: AA.DD., La conoscenza scientifica nell'Alto Medioevo. LXVII Settimane di Studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano do Studi sull'Alto Medievo: Spoleto, 25 aprile - 1 maggio 2019, Spoleto: CISAM, 2020, p. 1059-1086
- Calma, Dragos - Coccia, Emanuele, "Un commentaire inédit de Siger de Brabant sur la Physique d'Aristote (ms. Paris, BnF, lat. 16297)", Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge, 2006, 73, 283-350
- Calvet, Antoine, "L'alchimie médiévale est-elle une science chrétienne?", dins: Cavaillé, Jean-Pierre (dir.), Libertinage, athéisme, irreligion: essais et bibliographie, : monogràfic de Les dossiers du Grihl, 3 set. 2007
- Cardona Suárez, Carlos Alberto, "El problema de Alhacén", Asclepio, 2012, 64/1, 251-276
- Cardoner i Planas, Antoni, "Arnau de Vilanova i la cosmologia medieval", dins: AA.DD., I Congrés internacional d'història de la Medicina Catalana (Barcelona-Montpeller, de l'1 al 7 de juny de 1970), Barcelona: Scientia, 1971, vol. 1, pp. 248-252
- Caroti, Stefano - Souffrin, Pierre (eds.), La nouvelle physique du XIVe siècle, Florència: Leo S. Olschki, 1997, 352 pp., (Biblioteca di «Nuncius», 24)
- Caroti, Stefano, "De generatione et corruptione, Commentaries on Aristotle's", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 251-256
- Caroti, Stefano, Giovanni da Venezia, un tardoscolastico nelle università toscane, Florència: Gonelli, 1986, 283 pp., (Documenti inediti di cultura toscana, 7)
- Cerantola, Sara, "La ley física de Ibn Sahl: estudio y traducción parcial de su Kitab al-harraqat", Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 2004, 15, 57-95
- Clagett, Marshall, Archimedes in the Middle Ages, Madison - Filadèlfia: University of Wisconsin Press - American Philosophical Society, 1964-1984, 5 vols., (University of Wisconsin Publications in Medieval Science, 6 / Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 117, 125, 137, 157)
- Clagett, Marshall, The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1959, xxix + 711 pp., (University of Wisconsin Publications in Medieval Science, 4)
- Crisciani, Chiara, "Universal and Particular in the Communia naturalium: Between "Extreme Realism" and "Experientia"", dins: Bernardini, Paola - Rodolfi, Anna (eds.), Roger Bacon's Communia naturalium: A 13th century philosopher's workshop, Florencia: SISMEL - Edizioni dell Galluzo, 2014, pp. 57-82
- De Mey, Marc, "Late medieval optics and early Renaissance painting", Sartoniana, 1996, 9, 143-175, il.
- Dear, Peter, "The Natural Philosopher", dins: Lightman, Bernard (ed.), A Companion to the History of Science, Chichester - Malden: Wiley Blackwell, 2016, pp. 71-83
- Delaurenti, Béatrice, "Le poison d'une âme vénéneuse. Envie et mauvais œil entre médecine, philosophie naturelle et théologie (XIIe-XVe siècle)", Itinerari, 2022, [=The Philosophies of Physicians: Texts and Doctrines fron the 12th to the 17th Century, ed. Iolanda Ventura, Marco Forlivesi] 61/1, 37-56
- Donati, Maria Teresa, "Metafisica, fisica e astrologia nel XII secolo: Bernardo Silvestre e l'introduzione «Qui celum» dell'Experimentarius", Studi medievali, 1990, 31, 649-703
- Ducos, Joëlle (ed.), Sciences et langues au Moyen Age = Wissenschaften und Sprachen im Mittelalter: actes de l'Atelier Franco-Allemand, Paris 27 - 30 janvier 2009, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012, viii + 437 pp., (Studia romanica, 168)
- Dufossé, Colette, La tradition gréco-latine de l'optique médiévale, de Calcidius jusqu'au XIIe siècle, París: Positions des thèses de l'École nationale des chartes, 2008
- Eastwood, Bruce S., "Alhazen, Leonardo and late-medieval speculation of the inversion of images in the eye", Annals of Science, 1983, 46, 413-446
- Eastwood, Bruce S., Astronomy and Optics from Pliny to Descartes: Texts, Diagrams and Conceptual Studies, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1989, 312 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS291)
- Ell, S.R., "Blood and sexuality in medieval leprosy", Janus, 1984, 71, 153-164
- Engbring, Gertrude M., "Saint Hildegard, twelfth century physician", Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1940, 8, 770-784
- Fancy, Nahyan, "Post-avicennan physics in the medical commentaries of the mamluk period", Intellectual History of the Islamicate World, 2018, 6/1-2 [=Medical Traditions, 2], 55-81
- Fidora, Alexander - Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias (eds.), Erfahrung und Beweis. Die Wissenschaften von der Natur im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert / Experience and Demonstration. The Sciences of Nature in the 13th and 14th Centuries, : Academie Verlag, 2009, viii + 302 pp., (Wissenskultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel)
- Frank, Richard M., Creation and the Cosmic System: Al-Ghazālī and Avicenna, vorgelegt von Josef van Ess, Heidelberg: Carl Winter, 1992, 89 pp., (Abhandlungen der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften: Philosophisch-historische Klasse)
- French, Roger Kenneth, "«De Juvamentis Membrorum» and the Reception of Galenic Phisiological Anatomy", Isis, 1979, 70, 96-109
- Gadebusch Bondio, Mariacarla - Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (eds.), Errors and Mistakes: A Cultural History of Fallibility, Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2012, xiv + 338 pp., (Micrologus' Library, 49)
- Geoffroy, Marc, "Ibn Bājja, Abū Bakr ibn al-Sāʾiġ (Avempace)", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 483
- Grant, Edward, Studies in Medieval Science and Natural Philosophy, Londres: Variorum Reprints, 1981, 378 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS142)
- Grau Torras, Sergi, "Algunes teories de la Física d'Aristòtil aplicades a la medicina d'Arnau de Vilanova", Medievalia, 2015, 18/1, 189-197
- Grellard, Christophe - Robert, Aurélien, Atomism in Late Medieval Philosophy and Theology, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2009, x + 254 pp., (History of Science and Medicine Library, 8)
- Guidi, Angela, "Abraham ibn Ezra", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, p. 483
- Husson, Matthieu, "L'écho des faits: quelques remarques sur la prise en compte de la réalité sensible dans des textes optiques, astronomiques et musicaux du début du XIVe siècle", Médiévales: Langue, Textes, Histoire, 2010, 58, 113-128
- Iommi Echeverría, Virginia, "La división del aire en los Quesiti et inventione diverse (1546) de Niccolò Tartaglia", Dynamis, 2010, 30, 197-212
- Janssens, Jules, "The Physics of the Avicenna Latinus and its significance for the reception of Aristotle's Physics in the West", dins: Oppenraay, Aafke-Fontaine, Resianne, The Letter before the Spirit: The Importance of Text Editions for the Study of the Reception of Aristotle, Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. 311-330
- Jori, Alberto, "La teoria aristotelica dei colori tra fisica e fisiologia", Medicina nei Secoli. Arte e Scienzia, 2020, (Ejemplar dedicado a: Medicine and colour) 32/2, 491-542
- Kahn, Didier - Hirai, Hiro (eds.), Pseudo-Paracelsus. Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy, Leiden: Brill, 2021, 504 pp.
- Kedar, Yael, "Virtus and species in the Philosophy of Nature of Roger Bacon (c. 1220-1293)", Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 2022, 28/1, 43-65
- Kheirandish, Elaheh, "Footprints of «experiment» in early Arabic optics", Early Science and Medicine, 2009, 14, 79-104
- Langermann, Tzvi, "Natural Philosophy, Jewish", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 863-867
- Leyton Alvarado, Héctor Patricio, "Copernicanismo: difusión y sociabilización de la ciencia renacentista", Historias del Orbis Terrarum, 2012, Extra 4 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Anejos de Estudios Clásicos, Medievales y Renacentistas), 1-16
- Lindberg, David C., A Catalogue of Medieval and Renaissance Optical Manuscripts, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1975, 142 pp., (Subsidia Mediaevalia, 4)
- Lindberg, David C., "Alhazen's theory of vision and its reception in the West", Isis, 1967, 58/3, 321-341
- Lindberg, David C., "Lines of influence in 13th century optics: Bacon, Witelo, and Pecham", Speculum, 1971, 46, 66-83
- Lindberg, David C., Roger Bacon and the origins of «perspectiva» in the Middle Ages: a critical edition and English translation of Bacon's Perspectiva, with introduction and notes by —, Oxford - Nova York: Clarendon Press - Oxford University Press, 1996, cxi + 411 pp.
- Lindberg, David C., Roger Bacon's philosophy of nature: a critical edition, with English translation, introduction, and notes, of De multiplicatione specierum and De speculis comburentibus, edited by —, Oxford - Nova York: Clarendon Press - Oxford University Press, 1983, lxxxi + 420 pp.
- Lindberg, David C., Studies in the History of Medieval Optics, Londres: Variorum, 1983, 302 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS186)
- Lindberg, David C., "The theory of pinhole images in the 14th century", Archive for History of Exact Sciences, 1970, 6, 299-325
- Lindberg, David C., Theories of Vision from al-Kindi to Kepler, Chicago - Londres: The University of Chicago Press, 1976, xii + 324 pp.
- Loviconi, Laetitia, "Les discours sur la génération dans les œuvres de pratique médicale (XIIIe - XVe siècles) : entre adhésion, alternatives et rejet des théories de Galien", dins: Strosetzki, Christoph (ed.), Gesundheit und Krankheit vor und nach Paracelsus, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2022, pp. 201-232
- Mancha, J. L., Studies in Medieval Astronomy and Optics, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2006, 352 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS852)
- Marrone, Steven P., "Magic and the physical world in thirteenth-century scholasticism", Early Science and Medicine, 2009, 14, 158-185
- Millàs i Vallicrosa, Josep Maria, Estudios sobre historia de la ciencia española, Barcelona: CSIC: Instituto "Luis Vives" de Filosofía, Sección de Historia de la Filosofía Española - Asociación para la Historia de la Ciencia Española, 1949, viii + 499 pp., (Estudios, 2)
- Molland, George, Mathematics and the Medieval Ancestry of Physics, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1995, 350 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS481)
- Ortúzar Escudero, María José - Clemente Quijada, Luis Vicente, "Sobre el concepto ‘naturaleza' y su estudio a partir de fuentes medievales. Una introducción", Universum, 2022, [=Sobre el concepto ‘naturaleza' y su estudio a partir de fuentes medievales. Una introducción] 37/2, 349-361
- Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (ed.), La visione e lo sguardo nel Medioevo / View and Vision in the Middle Ages, Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 1997-1998, 2 vols. (viii + 266 pp. + 12 làm.; viii + 282 pp. + 82 làm.), (Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali, 5-6)
- Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (ed.), The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia, Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2016, vi + 504 pp., (Micrologus, 24)
- Puig Montada, Josep, "Fragmentos del gran comentario de Averroes a la Física", Al-Qantara: Revista de Estudios Árabes, 2009, 30/1, 69-81
- Ragland, Evan, "Chymistry and taste in the Seventeenth century: Franciscus Dele Boë Sylviusas a chymical physician between galenism and cartesianism", Ambix, 2012, 59/1, 1-21
- Rashed, Marwan (ed.), Alexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire perdu à la "Physique" d'Aristote (Livres IV-VIII): les scholies byzantines, édition, traduction et commentaire [par] —, Brelín: Walter de Gruyter, 2011, viii + 660 pp., (Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca et Byzantina 1)
- Rashed, Roshdi, Optique et mathématiques: recherches sur l'histoire de la pensée scientifique en Arabe, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1992, 352 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS378)
- Robert, Aurélien, "John of Jandun on Sense Perception and Instantaneous Change", dins: Bennett, David - Toivanen, Juhana (eds.), Philosophical Problems in Sense Perception:Testing the Limits of Aristotelianism, Berlín: Springer, 2020, pp. 193-212
- Ruiz Simon, Josep M., "«En l'arbre són les fuyles per ço que y sia lo fruyt»: apunts sobre el rerafons textual i doctrinal de la distinció lul·liana entre la intenció primera i la intenció segona en els actes propter finem", Studia Lulliana, 2002, 42, 3-25
- Sabra, A. I., Optics, Astronomy and Logic: Studies in Arabic Science and Philosophy, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1994, 336 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS444)
- Saito, Fumikazu, "Knowing by doing in sixteenth-century natural magic: Giambattista della Porta and the wonders of nature", Circumscribere, 2014, 14, 17-39
- Salmón, Fernando, "Sources for a Galenic visual theory in late thirteenth century", Sudhoffs Archiv, 1996, 80/2, 167-183
- Serjeantson, Richard, "Francis Bacon and the "Interpretation of Nature" in the Late Renaissance", Isis, 2014, 105/4, 681-715
- Sylla, Edith D. - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Texts and Contexts in Ancient and Medieval Science: Studies on the Occasion of John E. Murdoch's Seventieth Birthday, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1997, xxxii + 330 pp. + [4] làm., (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, 78)
- Szilagyi, Krisztina - Langermann, Y. Tzvi, "A fragment of a composition on physics by Abraham ibn Daud in Judeo-Arabic: an edition of the text", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2016, 16/1, 33-38
- Trifogli, Cecilia, Liber quartus Physicorum Aristotelis: repertorio delle questioni (commenti inglesi, ca. 1250-1270), Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2007, x + 647 pp., (Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi: Sbsidia, 16)
- Trifogli, Cecilia, Liber tertius Physicorum Aristotelis: repertorio delle questioni (commenti inglesi, ca. 1250-1270), Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2004, viii + 393 pp., (Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi: Sbsidia, 13)
- Truitt, Elly, "Knowledge and Power: Courtly Science and Political Utility in the Work of Roger Bacon", Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 2022, 28/1, 43-65
- Van Camp, Karel J., "Medieval theoretical mechanics", Sartoniana, 1991, 4, 111-125, il.
- Vivas Pérez, Miguel Ángel, "La transmisión de mensajes mediante señales ópticas: una visión de conjunto", dins: Ruibal Rodríguez, Amador (ed.), Actas del III Congreso de Castellología Ibérica (Guadalajara. 28 de octubre-1 de noviembre de 2005), Guadalajara: Asociación Española de Amigos de los Castillos - Diputación Provincial de Guadalajara, 2005, pp. 399-418
- Walton, Steven A., "Villard's perpetuum mobile", AVISTA Forum Journal, 2008, 18, 24-30
- Weill-Parot, Nicolas (ed.), De l'homme, de la nature et du monde: mélanges d'histoire des sciences médiévales offerts à Danielle Jacquart, avec [la collaboration de] Mireille Ausécache, Joël Chandelier, Laurence Moulinier-Brogi [et] Marilyn Nicoud, Ginebra: Librairie Droz, 2019, xxvi + 502 pp., (Hautes études médiévales et modernes, 113)
- Weill-Parot, Nicolas, "Innovation et science scolastique de la nature (v. 1260 – milieu du XIVe siècle): l'exemple de l'attraction magnétique", Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 2014, 27 [=Le modèle dans la science médiévalent, Sangirardi, Giuseppe - Weill-Parot, Nicolas (dirs.)], 59-71
- Weill-Parot, Nicolas, Points aveugles de la nature: la rationalité scientifique médiévale face à l'occulte, l'attraction magnétique et l'horreur du vide (XIIIe-milieu du XVe siècle), París: Les Belles Lettres, 2013, 656 pp., (Histoire, 120)
- Zito, Nicola, "Medicina e mirabilia nella letteratura neoplatonica", dins: AA.DD., La conoscenza scientifica nell'Alto Medioevo. LXVII Settimane di Studio della Fondazione Centro Italiano do Studi sull'Alto Medievo: Spoleto, 25 aprile - 1 maggio 2019, Spoleto: Fondazione Centro Italiano do Studi sull'Alto Medievo, 2020, pp. 143-168
- Zonta, Mauro, "New Data On Judah Messer Leon's Commentaries on the Physics", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2001, 1, 307-323