Darrera modificació: 2014-04-20 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Davidson, Clifford (ed.), Fools and Folly, Kalamazoo, Western Michigan University: Medieval Institute Publications (Early Drama, Art, and Music Monograph, 22), 1996, vi + 188 pp.
- Resum
- Recull d'articles que analitzen els bojos i la bogeria a l'Edat Mitjana i primera Edat Moderna des de diferents perspectives, majoritàriament literàries; evolució de les actituds envers els bojos, com a persona que sabia capitalitzar les seves deficiències naturals i era considerada divertida, i com a professional de l'entreteniment, especialitzat en el teatre còmic.
The Fool in the Middle Ages and Early Modern period was either a person who capitalized on his natural deficiencies, which were then considered amusing, or a professional entertainer "the artificial Fool" who specialized in clowning. His distinctive clothing and bauble are known to us through numerous Psalter illustrations where he is shown in connection with Psalm 52, which asserts that "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." Attitudes toward the Fool varied, but his place was to become assured on stage, where his role is best known to us through the plays of Shakespeare. The articles in the present volume provide indispensable analyses of the Fool from a number of different perspectives.
* Introduction / Clifford Davidson
* The Cheval fol of Lyon and Other Asses / Sandra Billington
* The King His Own Fool: Robert of Cicyle / Martin W. Walsh
* Forgotten Fools: Alexander Barclay's Ship of Fools / Robert C. Evans
* Staging Folly in the Early Sixteenth Century: Heywood, Lindsay, and Others / Peter Happé
* The Fool as Social Critic: The Case of the Dutch Rhetoricians' Drama / W. N. M. Hüsken
* Sienese Fools, Comic Captains, and Every Fop in His Humor / Robert W. Leslie
- Matèries
- Història de la medicina
Història de la literatura Medicina - Psicologia i psiquiatria
- Notes
- Antoni Tallander