Darrera modificació: 2024-12-31 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Korschunow, Nikolai, "Zerrüttungsprozesse der Psyche im Paracelsischen Traktat „Liber de lunaticis Theophrasti“", Sudhoffs Archiv, 82/2 (1998), 203-218.
- Resum
- In a treatise „Liber de lunaticis Theophrasti“ Paracelsus describes his view of „lunatici“. These are men, inflicted by a psychopathological process, that gradually destroys their minds. He develops his argumentation on the base of iatroastrological, new-neoplatonistical and Christian thoughts. In his view man is a microcosm in macrocosm and a trichotomically organized being. Man is influenced by three lights. These lights are representing three levels of vitalisation, knowledge and cognition. According to this, man consists of the body (corresponding to the level of visible material light), the soul (corresponding to the invisible astral-sidereal light of the firmamental macrocosm) and the spirit (corresponding to the the light of Christ and the divine-Christian sphere of spiritual light). The origin of lunatic confusion of the mind is caused by the intrinsically motivated intention of man (representing the microcosm) to shift his spiritual focus from the protective sphere of spirtual light to the sphere of astral-sidereal macrocosmic emanations. The latter have a deteriorative influence on man's mind, due to the lack of guidance of man's consciousness by the spiritual light. Paracelsus describes the individual and sociological effects of lunatic confusion. These effects may range from personal confusion up to the aggregation of lunatics in ideologically coordinated groups of fanatics, displaying wrong teachings, dissensions and even warfare and homicide. Concerning the therapy of „lunatici“ Paracelsus develops ideas, which show a resemblance towards integrative and holistic tendencies of our days discussed in the field of Psychoanalysis, Behavioral Medicine and „Holistic Health Medicine“. In general the Paracelsian concept of lunatic deterioration can be regarded as an historic example that deals with an integrative approach towards the description of psychiatric disorders.
- Matèries
- Medicina - Psicologia i psiquiatria
- https://www.jstor.org/stable/20777681