Darrera modificació: 2019-12-03 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Duranti, Tommaso, "Un mondo in formazione: la medicina a Bologna nel XIII secolo", dins: Roversi Monaco, Fabio (ed.), Teoria e pratica medica nel basso medioevo. Teodorico Borgognoni vescovo, chirurgo, ippiatra, Florencia, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo (Micrologus' Library, 99), 2019, pp. 43-61.
- Resum
- he origin of the Studium and of the universitas of medicine of Bologna during the 13th century has been the result of a cultural and institutional progress, not always clearly delineabile because of a certain lack of sources. Despite that, it is possible to follow the growing interest in teaching medicine and surgery before the birth of the universitas as an associative institution. In fact, some clues (the medical knowledges in non-medical works, the contacts between Bologna and Paris, the tradition of the «rational surgery», the first references in the documents of the bolognese comune) show the progressive growth and stabilization of these teachings: their institutional consecration corresponded to the crown of this process of affirmation and to the definitive recognition for students and teachers of medical and artistic disciplines as autonomous organizations.
- Matèries
- Història de la medicina
Universitats i ensenyament
- https://www.academia.edu/40914270/Un_mondo_in_forma ...