Darrera modificació: 2019-12-13 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Arnau
Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (ed.), The Impact of Arabic Sciences in Europe and Asia, Florència, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo (Micrologus, 24), 2016, vi + 504 pp.
- Resum
- Conté:
* Ch. Burnett / On judging and doing in Arabic and Latin texts on astrology and divination
* D. Jacquart / Quelques propos introductifs: la confluence des sources grecques et arabes dans l'Occident médiéval latin
-- Practical sciences:
* J. Chandelier / Le concept de maladie chronique, des Grecs aux Arabes et des Arabes aux Latins
* McVaugh (2016), "Why Rhazes?"
* Pereira (2016), "Projecting perfection: remarks on ..."
* A. Djebbar / La circulation de l'algèbre arabe en Europe et son impact
* M. Abattouy / The corpus of mechanics of al-Isfizar?: its structure and signification in the context of Arabic mechanics
-- Divination, magic, astrology:
* Juste (2016), "The impact of Arabic sources on ..."
* J.-P. Boudet / Les comètes dans le Centiloquium et le De cometis du pseudo-Ptolémée
* N. Weill-Parot / Devenirs de la magie astrale hermétique arabe dans le monde latin: signification "culturelle" d'une utilisation (XIIe- XVe siècle)
* G. de Callataÿ / Who were the readers of the Rasa 'il Ikhwanal-Safa'?
* M. Bagheri / Kushyar ibn Labban's mathematical approach in his astronomical handbook
* Shi Yunli Zhu Haohao / Calculating the fate of Chinese dynasties with the Islamic method: the Chinese study and application of Arabic astrology in the 17th century
-- Reception and organization of knowledge:
* Ventura (2016), "Medieval pharmacy and the Arabic ..."
* V. Boudon-Millot / L'apport des traducteurs arabes dans le débat sur l'authenticité des traités galéniques
* J.-M. Mandosio / The use of al-Kindî's treatise On Rays in Peter of Zealand's Elucidation of Marvelous Things (end of the 15th century)
* M. Yano / Eastern perspective of the conference
* A. Paravicini Bagliani / Western perspective of the conference
* Indexes / D. Jacquart & A. Paravicini Bagliani
- Matèries
- Filosofia natural - Física
Astronomia i astrologia Arabisme Àrab Medicina Alquímia Màgia - Màgia astrològica Aritmètica i geometria Traduccions Medicina - Farmacologia Llatí
- Notes
- Número monogràfic de la revista Micrologus, 24 (2016).
Informació de l'editor .
- http://www.mirabileweb.it/edgalluzzo_root_pub.aspx? ...