Darrera modificació: 2025-02-05 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Arnau
French, Roger - Arrizabalaga, Jon - Cunningham, Andrew - García Ballester, Luis (eds.), Medicine from the Black Death to the French Disease, Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998, vi + 330 pp.
- Resum
- Covering the period from the triumphant economic revival of Europe after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, this book offers an examination of the state of contemporary medicine and the subsequent transplantation of European medicine worldwide.
* R. French / The long fifteenth century of medical history · 1-5
* Barkai (1998), "Jewish treatises on the Black ..." · 6-25
* Pereira (1998), "Mater medicinarum: English ..." · 26-52
* Salmón - Cabré (1998), "Fascinating women: The evil eye ..." · 53-84
* Nutton (1998), "Medicine at the German ..." · 85-109
* K. Park / Stones, bones and hernias: Surgical specialists in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century Italy · 110-130
* M. McVaugh / Treatment of hernia in the later Middle Ages: Surgical correction and social construction · 131-155
* P. M. Jones / Thomas Fayreford: An English fifteenth-century medical practitioner, 156-183
* Arrizabalaga (1998), "The death of a medical text: the ..." · 184-220
* A. G. Carmichael / Epidemics and state medicine in fifteenth-century Milan, 221-247
* Arrizabalaga - French (1998), "Coping with the French Disease ..." · 248-287
* R. French / Anatomical rationality · 288-323
- Matèries
- Història de la medicina
Medicina - Pesta i altres malalties Medicina - Cirurgia i anatomia Alquímia Màgia Jueus Dones