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Sciè DB bib28133 (18 / February / 2025)
Darrera modificació: 2020-02-18 Katouzian-Safadi, Mehrnaz - Ben Saad, Meyssa, "Inhabited Lands and Temperaments: Observations and Therapeutic Solutions, the Views of Scientists and Medieval Physicians – Ğāḥiẓ (9th), Rāzī (9th–10th), Ibn Riḍwān (11th)", dins: Bretelle-Establet, Florence - Gaille, Marie - Katouzian-Safadi, Mehrnaz (dir.), Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History: The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America, Berlín, Springer (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science), 2019, pp. 209-238.