What is Sciència.cat DB?
Sciència.cat DB is a relational database on scientific and technological works written in Catalan or translated into Catalan from the end of the 13th century to the beginnings of the 16th century.
The information is systematized according to the following fields which are interconnected:
- Works – Catalogue of works (a census of the main works is also avalaible).
- Manuscript books – Catalogue of manuscript books.
- Early printed books – Catalogue of incunabula and early printed books, up to 1800.
- Archival sources – Catalogue of archival sources on the works and their context.
- People – Catalogue of anthroponyms (authors, translators, committents, etc.).
- Places – Catalogue of toponyms.
- Bibliography – Catalogue of modern editions and secondary literature on the works and their international context.
- Themes – Repertory of themes that can be found in the works (no access).
- Vocabulary – Catalogue of specialised vocabulary.
For a more detailed description of the project's development and the database's structure you can look at:
- Textes scientifiques en catalan dans les bibliothèques de France [2007] {fr}
- Sciència.cat: un corpus digital de la ciència en català [6-VIII-2010] {cat}
- The digital corpus of Sciència.cat [16-X-2011] {en}
- Hacia un nuevo Vocabulario del catalán técnico medieval [21-VI-2010] {es}
The information provided by Sciència.cat DB on the scientific and technological Catalan cultural heritage can be complemented with other Narpan DB initiatives in the field of Digital Humanities, particularly Translat DB, Eiximenis DB, Llull DB and the future Arnau DB. As well, researchers can turn up to BITECA's database, on medieval Catalan texts, and MCEM, on Early Modern manuscripts produced in Catalan speaking area. Moreover, early printed texts may be found in Catalan, Valencian and Spanish Bibliographic Heritage's catalogs. Links to all these databases and others external to the Narpan DB platform, may be found in Sciència.cat DB records.
Although most of the stuff has been collected thanks to different funding institutions, the database has been elaborated with the support of the research projects HUM2004-05176/FILO, HUM2005-07480-C03-01/FILO, FFI 2008-02163/FISO, FFI2011-29117-C02-01, and FFI2014-53050-C5-3-P, funded by the Spanish Government with ERDF funds from the European Union. It is part of the consolidated research group SGR 2014-119, recognised and financed by the Generalitat of Catalunya.
Sciència.cat DB is open to external contributions that will be duly recognised.