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Matèria: Medicina - Ètica i etiqueta mèdiques
- Amasuno Sárraga, Marcelino V., "The converso physician in the anti-Jewish controversy in fourteenth-fifteenth century Castile", dins: Kottek, Samuel S. - García Ballester, Luis (eds.), Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press - The Hebrew University, 1996, pp. 92-118
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- Bar-Sela, Ariel - Hoff, Hebbel E., "Isaac Israeli's fifty admonitions of the physicians", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 1962, 17/2, 245-257
- Brockopp, Jonathan E. - Eich, Thomas (eds.), Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2008, x + 298 pp.
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- Cabré i Pairet, Montserrat - Salmón Muñiz, Fernando, Curar y cuidar: vínculos terapéuticos en la baja Edad Media, València: Levanta Fuego, 2021, 134 pp.
- Calvo, Emilia - Comes, Mercè - Puig, Roser - Rius, Mònica (eds.), A Shared Legacy: Islamic Science East and West. Homage to Professor J. M. Millás Vallicrosa, assistant editors: Theodoro Loinaz, Cristina Moreno, Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2008, 362 pp.
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- Collins, Kenneth - Kottek, Samuel - Paavilainen, Helena (eds.), Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, with a foreword by Fred Rosner, Jerusalem: Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library, 2015, viii + 227 pp., il.
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- Fernández Tijero, M.ª Carmen, "«Ego peripateticus sum»: los textos de clase para la enseñanza de la medicina en Montpellier", Eä, 2010, 2/1, 1-16
- Ferre, Lola, "Medicine through a philosophical lens: treatise I of Isaac Israeli's Book on Fevers", dins: Collins, Kenneth - Kottek, Samuel - Paavilainen, Helena (eds.), Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, with a foreword by Fred Rosner, Jerusalem: Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library, 2015, pp. 111-132
- Fortuna, Stefania, "Hippocrates' Law in the Middle Ages with the edition of the Latin translation and the revision", Early Science and Medicine, 2018, 23/4, 299–329
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- French, Roger K., Ancients and moderns in the medical sciences: from Hippocrates to Harvey, Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 2000, 300 pp., (Variorum Collected Studies Series, CS685)
- Gadebusch Bondio, Mariacarla, Medical Ethics: Premodern Negotiations between Medicine and Philosophy, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2014, 239 pp.
- García Ballester, Luis, "Ethical problems in the relationship between doctors and patients in fourteenth-Century Spain: on Christian and Jewish practitioners", dins: Kottek, Samuel S. - García Ballester, Luis (eds.), Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press - The Hebrew University, 1996, pp. 11-32
- García Ballester, Luis, "Medical ethics in transition in the Latin medicine of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries: new perspectives on the physician-patient relationship and the doctor's fee", dins: Wear, Andrew - Geyer-Kordesch, Johanna - French, Roger (eds.), Doctors and Ethics: The Earlier Historical Setting of Professional Ethics, Amsterdam - Atlanta: Rodopi, 1993, pp. 38-71
- Gernert, Folke (ed.), Adivinos, médicos y profesores de secretos en la España áurea, Tolosa de Llenguadoc: Méridiennes - Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2017, 238 pp.
- Gilles de Corbeil, Liber de uirtutibus et laudibus compositorum medicaminum, édition et commentaire de Mireille Ausécache, Florència: SISMEL, 2017, viii + 523 pp., (Edizione Nazionale La Scuola Medica Salernitana, 8)
- González de Fauve, María Estela - Forteza, Patricia de, "Ética médica y mala praxis en Castilla: una visión realista del quehacer profesional (siglos XIV-XVI)", dins: González de Fauve, María Estela (ed.), Ciencia, poder e ideología: el saber y el hacer en la evolución de la medicina española (siglos XIV-XVIII), Buenos Aires: Instituto de Historia de España Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, 2001, pp. 13-59
- González de Fauve, María Estela (ed.), Ciencia, poder e ideología: el saber y el hacer en la evolución de la medicina española (siglos XIV-XVIII), Buenos Aires: Instituto de Historia de España Claudio Sánchez Albornoz, 2001, 333 pp.
- Grensemann, Hermann, «Natura sit nobis semper magistra»: über den Umgang mit Patienten, die Diät bei akuten Erkrankungen, Sterilität von Mann und Frau, Augenleiden: vier mittelalterliche Schriften, Münster: Lit, 2001, xvii + 238 pp., (Hamburger Studien zur Geschichte der Medizin, 2)
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- Hernández González, Justo Pedro, "La educación de príncipes en la medicina española del Renacimiento. "El Abecedario virtuoso" (c. 1557) de Alonso de Santa Cruz (1505-1567)", Calamus renascens, 2017, 18, 71-83
- Hunt, Tony (ed.), Anglo-Norman Medicine, Woodbridge: D. S. Brewer, 1994-1997, 2 vols. (vii + 328; vii + 284 pp.)
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- Jones, W. H. S., The Doctor's Oath: An Essay in the History of Medicine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1924, 62 pp.
- Jonsen, Albert, A short history of medical ethics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, 153 pp.
- Kottek, Samuel S. - García Ballester, Luis (eds.), Medicine and Medical Ethics in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: An Intercultural Approach, Jerusalem: The Magnes Press - The Hebrew University, 1996, 291 pp.
- Lauriello, Giuseppe, Istruzioni per il medico: deontologia e metodologia medica da un manoscritto salernitano del XII secolo, Salerno: Centro studi e documentazione della Scuola Medica Salernitana, 1997, 96 pp., (Quaderni, 2)
- Levey, Martin, "Medical deontology in ninth century Islam", Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, 1966, 21/4, 358-373
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- Moreno Rodríguez, Rosa M.ª, "Etica y medicina en la obra de Galeno", Dynamis, 2013, 33/2, 441-460
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- Moulinier-Brogi, Laurence - Nicoud, Marilyn (eds.), Éthique et pratiques médicales, Saint-Denis: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 2004, pp. 5-108, (Médiévales: Langue, Textes, Histoire, 46)
- Mugnai, Daniela, "Nicolò Leoniceno interprete di Galeno sulla Causa coniuncta", Medicina nei secoli, 2010, 22/1-3, 593-610
- Nicoud, Marilyn, "Éthique et pratiques médicales aux derniers siècles du Moyen Âge", Médiévales: Langue, Textes, Histoire, 2004, 46 [=Éthique et pratiques médicales, ed. Laurence Moulinier-Brogi i Marilyn Nicoud], 5-10
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- Recio Muñoz, Victoria, "“Ayudar y no perjudicar”: la relación médico-paciente en las Curationum medicinalium Centuriae de Amato Lusitano", dins: Massanet Rodríguez, Rafael (ed.), La medicina en la Edad Moderna desde el prisma de las Humanidades, Berlín - Boston: De Gruyter, 2023, pp. 239-248
- Rosner, Fred, "The physician's prayer attributed to Moses Maimonides", Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1967, 41/5, 440-454
- Salmón, Fernando, "The physician as cure in medical scholasticism", dins: Csepregi, Ildikó - Burnett, Charles (eds.), Ritual Healing: Magic, Ritual and Medical Therapy from Antiquity until the Early Modern Period, Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2012, vi + 221 pp.
- Schipperges, Heinrich, "La ética médica en el islam medieval", Asclepio, 1965, 17, 107-116
- Sigerist, Henry E., "Bedside manners in the Middle Ages: the treatise De cautelis medicorum attributed to Arnald of Villanova", Quarterly Bulletin of the Northwestern University Medical School, 1946, 20/1, 136–143
- Stearns, Justin K., "Enduring the Plague: Ethical behavior in the fatwas of an 8th/14th century mufti and theologian", dins: Brockopp, Jonathan E. - Eich, Thomas (eds.), Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice, Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 2008, pp. 38-54
- Vellisca Gutiérrez, Nelia Rosa, "Diálogo de un médico con la avaricia (Amato, Centurias, 2,53)", eHumanista/Conversos, 2019, 7 [=«Medicus artifex sensualis». Teoría, praxis médica y literatura en el siglo XVI: las Centurias de Amato Lusitano y su entorno, ed. Ana Isabel Martín Ferreira], 59-75
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- Xenophontos, Sophia, Medicine and Practical Ethics in Galen, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 300 pp.
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