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Matèria: Hebreu
- AA.DD., "Bibliografia d'Eduard Feliu i Mabres", Tamid, 2012, 8, 33-41
- AA.DD., Cataloghi dei codici orientali di alcune biblioteche d'Italia, Florència: Ministero della pubblica istruzione, 1878-1904, iv + 743 pp. (publ. en 7 fasc.)
- AA.DD., El secret dels llibres: els documents amagats dels jueus de Girona, Girona: Arxiu Històric de Girona, 2003, 12 pp.
- Aguiló i Aguiló, Estanislau de K. - Lévi, Israel - Steinschneider, Moritz - Simonsen, David - Gottheil, Richard - Kayserling, Meyer, "Inventari de la heretat y llibreria del metje juheu Jahuda o Lleó Mosconi (1375)", Boletín de la Sociedad Arqueológica Luliana, 1903-1904, 10, 80-91, 106-112, 140-151 i 196 bis
- Alcoy i Pedrós, Rosa, "Aspectos formales en la marginalia del Maimónides de Copenhague", Espacio, Tiempo y Forma, Serie VII: Historia del Arte, 1993, 6, 37-64
- Altmann, Alexander, "Judah Halevi's Theory of Climates", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2005, 5, 215-246
- Aslanov, Cyril, "From Latin into Hebrew through the romance vernaculars: the creation of an interlanguage written in Hebrew characters", dins: Fontaine, Resianne - Freudenthal, Gad (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies, I, Leiden: Brill, 2013, vol. 1 (Studies), pp. 69-84
- Aslanov, Cyril, "Latin in Hebrew letters: the transliteration/transcription/translation of a compendium of Arnaldus de Villa Nova's Speculum medicinae", dins: Fontaine, Resianne - Freudenthal, Gad (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies, I, Leiden: Brill, 2013, vol. 1 (Studies), pp. 45-58
- Avicena, Canon medicinae: estudio y edición facsímil del ms. 2197 de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Bolonia, Madrid: AyN Ediciones - Ars Magna - Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, 2002, 2 vols. (532 ff.; 380 pp.)
- Azar, Henry A. - McVaugh, Michael R. - Shatzmiller, Joseph, "Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar)'s Description of a Verrucous Malignancy of the Colon (with an English Translation from the Arabic and notes on its Hebrew and Latin Versions)", Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine, 2002, 19/2, 431-440
- Babushkina, Alla Edouardovna, The King's Sick Body: The Spiritual and Social Implications of Arnau of Vilanova's Regimen sanitatis, Toronto: Tesi doctoral de la University of Toronto, 2022, 231 pp.
- Barco del Barco, Francisco Javier del, Catálogo de manuscritos hebreos de la Comunidad de Madrid, estudios introductorios por Mª. Teresa Ortega Monasterio, Mª. Josefa de Azcárraga Servet y Luis Vegas Montaner, Madrid: CSIC: Instituto de Filología, 2003-2006, 3 vols. + 3 CD-ROM, (Serie A, Literatura hispano-hebrea, 5, 7-8)
- Barkai, Ron, A history of Jewish gynaecological texts in the Middle Ages, Leiden: Brill, 1998, 241 pp., (Brill's Series in Jewish Studies, 20)
- Barkai, Ron, "A medieval Hebrew treatise on obstetrics", Medical History, 1989, 33, 96-119
- Barkai, Ron, "Jewish treatises on the Black Death (1330-1500): A preliminary study", dins: French, Roger - Cunningham, Andrew - Arrizabalaga, Jon - Garcia Ballester, Luis (eds.), Medicine from the Black Death to the French Disease, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1998, pp. 6-25
- Barkai, Ron, "Origines et sources de la médecine hébraïque au Moyen Âge", Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali, 2001, 9 [=Gli ebrei e le scienze / The Jews and the Sciences, ed. A. Paravicini Bagliani], 9-19
- Bartolucci, Lidia - Bellini, Federica, "Su una versione catalana della Lettera del prete Gianni", Quaderni di Lingue e Letterature, 2000, 25, 197-202
- Baum, Ilil, "Hebrew-Catalan medieval wedding songs: satirical functions of the Hebrew component and other linguistic aspects", Journal of Jewish Languages, 2016, 4/2, 1-37
- Baum, Ilil, "Jofre (Jaufre): the circulation of Arthurian romances among late medieval Catalan Jews", Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2019, 11/2, 1-28
- Baum, Ilil, Judeo-Catalan, Jewish multilingualism and linguistic contact in late medieval Catalonia, : Tesi doctoral de la Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2018
- Beit-Arié, Malachi (dir.), Catalogue of the Hebrew Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library and in the College Libraries of Oxford: Supplement of Addenda and Corrigenda to Vol. 1 (A. Neubauer's Catalogue), compiled under the direction of — ; edited by R. A. May, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994, xxxi + 595 pp.
- Beit-Arié, Malachi, "Hebrew manuscripts and the singularity of the collection of the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma", Materia Giudaica, 2002, 7/2, 213-216
- Bernardo de Gordon, Lilium medicinae, en su versión hebrea, traducción, edición y notas de Mónica Olalla, Conca: Alfonsípolis, 2005-2008, 2 vols., (Cuadernos de Medicina Medieval)
- Berzin, Gabriella, The Medieval Hebrew Version of Psychology in Avicenna's Salvation (al-Najat), : Tesi doctoral de la Harvard University, 2010, 241 pp.
- Biborski, Marcin - Stępiński, Janusz - Żabiński, Grzegorz, "Szczerbiec (la espada mellada): la espada de coronación de los reyes de Polonia", Gladius, 2011, 31, 93-148
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell - Magdalena Nom de Déu, José Ramón, "Documentos hebraicos y aljamiados de los judíos de Cervera (siglo XV)", dins: Yildiz, Efrem, «Et amicorum»: estudios en honor al profesor Carlos Carrete Parrondo, Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 2019, pp. 125-152
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, "Cosmética, salud y belleza en la medicina hebrea medieval", dins: López Rider, Javier (ed.), The Search for Wellbeing and Health between the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology, 2023, pp. 1-11
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, "Fragmento de un manuscrito hebreo de farmacología y medicina medieval", Aula Orientalis, 2006, 22, 45-53
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, "La terminologia catalana aljamiada en els sifre refuʾot i la importància dels doblets i triplets lèxics", dins: Müller, Isabel - Savelsberg, Frank (eds.), Sabers per als laics: vernacularització, formació, transmissió (Corona d'Aragó, 1250-1600), Berlín - Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 43-66
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, Manuscrito hebraicoaljamiado de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cataluña: "Codex Soberanas" (ms. n. 3090, s. XIV), Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, 2003, iii + 252 pp., (Catalonia hebraica, 1)
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, Manuscrito hebraicocatalán de farmacopea medieval: edición paleográfica (ms. Firkovitch I Heb-338 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Rusia), Barcelona: Promociones y Publicaciones Universitarias, 2006, 160 pp., (Catalonia hebraica, 11)
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, Recetario médico hebraicocatalán del siglo XIV (descripción, traducción y estudio), Barcelona: Trialba, 2015, 385 pp., (Catalonia hebraica et aragonalia, I)
- Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, Un Séfer refu'ot hebraicocatalán del siglo XIV (edición, traducción y estudio del ms. Firkovitch I Heb-338 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Rusia), : Tesi doctoral de la Universitat de Barcelona: Facultat de Filologia, 2006
- Boezio, De consolatione Philosophiæ: traduzione ebraica di ʿAzaria ben R. Joseph ibn Abba Mari, detto Bonafoux Bonfil Astruc (5183-1423), edició a cura de Sergio Joseph Sierra, Torí - Jerusalem: Istituto di Studi Ebraici - Scuola Rabbinica «S.H. Margulies-Disegni», 1967
- Bohak, Gideon, "Hebrew, Hebrew everywhere? Notes on the interpretation of voces magicae", dins: Noegel, Scott B. - Walker, Joel - Wheeler, Brannon M. (eds.), Prayer, Magic and the Stars in the Ancient and Late Antique World, University Park (Pa): Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003, pp. 69-82
- Bos, Gerrit - Burnett, Charles - Langermann, Y. Tzvi, Hebrew Medical Astrology: David ben Yom Tov, Kelal qaṭan, original Hebrew text, medieval Latin translation, modern English translation [by] —, Filadèlfia: American Philosophical Society, 2005, 121 pp., (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 95, part 5)
- Bos, Gerrit - Ferre, Lola - Mensching, Guido, "Textos médicos hebreos medievales con elementos romances y latinos: edición y análisis del Sefer ha-Shimmush y otras listas de sinónimos", Ianua, 2000, 1, 32-42
- Bos, Gerrit - Fischer, Klaus-Dietrich (eds.), A Glimpse into Medical Practice among Jews around 1500. Latin-German Pharmaceutical Glossaries in Hebrew Characters extant in Ms Leiden Universiteitsbibliotheek, Cod. Or. 4732/1 (SCAL 15), fols. 1a–17b, Leiden: Brill, 2021, 171 pp.
- Bos, Gerrit - Garofalo, Ivan, "A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin Translations from Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥāq's Arabic Version", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2007, 7, 43-95
- Bos, Gerrit - Hajek, Sandra - Mensching, Guido, "A fragment of Abraham Avigdor's translation of Gerard de Solo's Practica from the Cairo Genizah: edition and analysis with special regard to the Old Occitan elements", Aleph, 2021, 21/2, 309-357
- Bos, Gerrit - Hussein, Martina - Mensching, Guido - Savelsberg, Frank, Medical Synonym Lists from Medieval Provence: Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa: Sefer ha-Shimmush, Book 29. Part 1: Edition and Commentary of List 1 (Hebrew - Arabic - Romance/Latin), Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2011, x + 552 pp., (Études sur le Judaïsme Médiéval, 37)
- Bos, Gerrit - Langermann, Y. Tzvi, "The Introduction of Sergius of Rēshʿainā to Galen's Commentary on Hippocrates' On Nutriment", Journal of Semitic Studies, 2009, 54/1, 179-204
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. - Shatzmiller, Joseph, Transmitting a Text Through Three Languages: The Future History of Galen's Peri Anomalou Dyskrasias, Filadèlfia: American Philosophical Society, 2014, 176 pp., (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 104.5)
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Al-Rāzī, On the Treatment of Small Children (De curis puerorum): The Latin and Hebrew Translations, Leiden: Brill, 2015, viii + 230 pp., (Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, 14)
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Maimonides, On Asthma, Provo (Utah): Brigham Young University, 2001 i 2008, 2 vols., (Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, edited by Gerrit Bos)
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Maimonides, On Hemorrhoids: A Parallel Arabic-English Edition, edited, translated, and annotated by Gerrit Bos; with critical editions of medieval Hebrew translations by Gerrit Bos and medieval Latin translations by Michael R. McVaugh, Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 2012, xlvi + 221 pp., (Medical works of Moses Maimonides, 6)
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Maimonides, On Poisons and the Protection against Lethal Drugs, Provo (Utah): Brigham Young University, 2009, 494 pp., (Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, edited by Gerrit Bos, 5)
- Bos, Gerrit - McVaugh, Michael R. (eds.), Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health: A New Parallel Arabic-English Translation, Leiden: Brill, 2019, x + 540 pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 12)
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido - Zwink, Julia, "A late medieval Hebrew-French glossary of biblical animal names", Romance Philology, 2009, 63/1, 71-94
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "A 15th century medico-botanical synonym list (Ibero-Romance-Arabic) in Hebrew characters", Panace@, 2006, 7 (24), 261-268
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "Arabic-Romance medico-botanical glossaries in Hebrew manuscripts from the Iberian peninsula and Italy", Aleph, 2015, 15/1, 9-61
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "Glossaris medicobotànics multilingües de l'edat mitjana en grafia hebrea", dins: Müller, Isabel - Savelsberg, Frank (eds.), Sabers per als laics: vernacularització, formació, transmissió (Corona d'Aragó, 1250-1600), Berlín - Boston: De Gruyter, 2021, pp. 19-42
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "Macer Floridus: a Middle Hebrew fragment with romance elements", The Jewish Quarterly Review, 2000, 91, 17-51
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "The Black Death in Hebrew literature: Abraham Ben Solomon Ḥen's Tractatulus de pestilentia. Edition of the Hebrew text with introduction, English translation and supplement of the Romance terminology", Jewish Studies Quarterly, 2011, 18/1, 32-63
- Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "The literature of Hebrew medical synonyms: Romance and Latin terms and their identification", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2005, 5, 169-211
- Bos, Gerrit, A Concise Dictionary of Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the Middle Ages, Leiden: Brill, 2019, viii + 299 pp., (Middle East and Islamic Studies)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, Commentary on Hippocrates' Aphorisms: A New Parallel Arabic-English Edition and Translation, with Critical Editions of the Medieval Hebrew Translations, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 2 vols., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 14)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms: Glossary & Indexes, Leiden: Brill, 2021, *** pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 17)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms: Hebrew Translation by Nathan ha-Meʾati, Leiden: Brill, 2020, x + 282 pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 15)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms: Hebrew Translation by R. Zeraḥyah ben Isaac ben Sheʾaltiel Ḥen, Leiden: Brill, 2020, *** pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 16)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, On Coitus: A New Parallel Arabic-English Edition and Translation, trad. llatines ed. per Charles Burnett; trad. en eslau eclesiàstic ed. per Will Ryan i Moshe Taube, Leiden: Brill, 2018, x + 242 pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 11)
- Bos, Gerrit (ed.), Maimonides, On the Elucidation of Some Symptoms and the Response to Them (Formerly Known as On the Causes of Symptoms): A New Parallel Arabic-English Edition and Translation, with Critical Editions of the Medieval Hebrew Translations, Leiden: Brill, 2019, x + 179 pp., (The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides, 13)
- Bos, Gerrit, "Isaac Todros on facial paresis: edition of the Hebrew text with introduction, English translation and glossary", Korot, 2009-2010, 20 [=Jewish physicians during the Renaissance and early modern period], 181-203
- Bos, Gerrit, "Jewish traditions on strengthening memory and Leone Modena's evaluation", Jewish Studies Quarterly, 1995, 2/1, 39-58
- Bos, Gerrit, "Maimonides on medicinal measures and weights, from his Galenic epitomes", Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism, 2009, 9/2, 255-276
- Bos, Gerrit, "Medical terminology in the Hebrew tradition: Nathan ben Eliezer ha-Me'ati, Glossary to the Hebrew translation of Ibn Sīnā's Kitāb al-qānūn fī al-ṭibb", Revue des Études Juives, 2013, 172/3-4, 305-321
- Bos, Gerrit, "Medical terminology in the Hebrew tradition: Shem Tov ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush, book 30", Journal of Semitic Studies, 2010, 55/1, 53-101
- Bos, Gerrit, "Medizinische Synonymliteratur in hebräischen Quellen zwischen Rezeption und Innovation: Shem Tov Ben Isaac von Tortosa und seine Übersetzung des Kitab al-tasrif von al-Zahrawi", dins: Boschung, Dietrich - Wittekind, Susanne (eds.), Persistenz und Rezeption: Weiterverwendung, Wiederverwendung und Neuinterpretation antiker Werke im Mittelalter, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2008, pp. 65-83
- Bos, Gerrit- Mensching, Guido - Zwink, Julia, Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur. With a Supplement on the Romance and Latin Terminology, :
- Bos, Gerrit, Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the 13th Century, Oxford - Leiden: Oxford University Press on behalf of the University of Manchester - Brill, 2011-2018, 4 vols., (Journal of Semitic Studies: Supplement, 27, 30 i 37; Middle East and Islamic Studies)
- Bos, Gerrit, Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the Middle Ages, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2022, vol. 5 (xiv + 228 pp.)
- Bos, Gerrit, Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the Middle Ages, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2023, vol. 6 (xiv + 246 pp.)
- Bos, Gerrit, Novel Medical and General Hebrew Terminology from the Middle Ages, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2024, vol. 7 (255 pp.)
- Bos, Gerrit, "R. Moshe Narboni, philosopher and physician: a critical analysis of Sefer Oraḥ Ḥayyim", Medieval Encounters, 1995, 2/1, 219-251
- Bos, Gerrit, "The Black Death in Hebrew literature: Ha-Ma'amar be-qaddahat ha-dever (Treatise on Pestilential Fever)", European Journal of Jewish Studies, 2011, 5/1, 1-52
- Bos, Gerrit, "The creation and innovation of medieval Hebrew medical terminology: Shem Tov ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush", dins: Akasoy, Anna - Raven, Wim (eds.), Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages: Studies in Text, Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber, Leiden - Boston: E. J. Brill, 2008, pp. 195-218
- Bouras-Vallianatos, Petros - Stathakopoulos, Dionysios (eds.), Drugs in the Medieval Mediterranean: Transmission and Circulation of Pharmacological Knowledge, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 448 pp.
- Burnett, Charles, "Hebrew and latin astrology in the twelfth century: the example of the location of pain", Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 2010, 41/2, 70-76
- Caballero, Carmen, "Las lenguas científicas de las comunidades judías catalanas en la baja Edad Media", dins: Alberni, Anna - Badia, Lola - Cifuentes, Lluís - Fidora, Alexander (eds.), El saber i les llengües vernacles a l'època de Llull i Eiximenis: estudis ICREA sobre vernacularització = Knowledge and Vernacular Languages in the Age of Llull and Eiximenis: ICREA Studies on Vernacularization, Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2012, pp. 331-345
- Caballero Navas, Carmen - Blasco Orellana, Meritxell, "En pos de la belleza: cuidado de rostro y cabellos en el corpus textual hebreo de medicina", Dynamis, 2023, 43/1 [= Cosmética y estética. Los cuidados del cuerpo durante la Edad Media y el Renacimiento], 73-97
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "Del árabe al hebreo: el nacimiento de la ginecología hebrea medieval y el Canon de la medicina de Ibn Sīnā", Sefarad, 2019, 79/1, 89-122
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, El Libro de amor de mujeres: una compilación hebrea de saberes sobre el cuidado de la salud y la belleza del cuerpo femenino, Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2003, 122 pp., (Textos: Lengua Hebrea, 1)
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "El Libro de amor de mujeres o Libro del régimen de las mujeres: un compendio de saberes femeninos escrito en hebreo", MEAH: Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebreos, 1999, 48, 77-93
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, Las mujeres en la medicina hebrea medieval: el Libro de amor de mujeres o Libro del régimen de las mujeres. Edición, traducción y estudio, : Tesi doctoral inèdita de la Universidad de Granada, 1999
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "Maimonides' contribution to women's healthcare and his influence on the Hebrew gynaecological corpus", dins: Fraenkel, Carlos (ed.), Traditions of Maimonideanism, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2009, pp. 33-50
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "Medical knowledge in hebrew: manuscripts and early printed books", Medicina nei secoli, 2005, 17/2, 651-662
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "Medieval Jewish Views on the Preservation of Health at the Crossroads of the Arabic and Latin Medical Traditions", dins: Hezser, Catherine (ed.), Jews and Health: Tradition, History, Practice, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2023, pp. 107-132
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "She will give birth immediately: pregnancy and childbirth in medieval Hebrew medical texts produced in the Mediterranean West", Dynamis, 2014, 34/2, 377-401
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, The Book of Women's Love and Jewish Medieval Medical Literature on Women: Sefer Ahavat Nashim, Londres - Nova York: Kegan Paul, 2004, 314 pp., (The Kegan Paul Library of Jewish Studies)
- Caballero Navas, Carmen, "Writing in Hebrew in romance-speaking settings: the Sefer Ahavat Našim and the language of medieval Hebrew medical texts", eHumanista/IVITRA, 2018, 14, 898-910
- Canitz, Auguste Elfriede Christa - Wieland, Gernot Rudolf (eds.), From Arabye to Engelond: Medieval Studies in Honour of Mahmoud Manzalaoui on His 75th Birthday, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1999, viii + 307 + [5] pp.
- Cantera Montenegro, Enrique, "Abraham ibn Ezra en las crónicas hispanohebreas", Kalakorikos, 2004, 9, 241-256
- Carr, Derek C., "Arabic and Hebrew auctoritates in the Works of Enrique de Villena", dins: Canitz, Auguste Elfriede Christa - Wieland, Gernot Rudolf (eds.), From Arabye to Engelond: Medieval Studies in Honour of Mahmoud Manzalaoui on His 75th Birthday, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1999, pp. 39-60
- Casals Stenzel, Christa, "Fragmentos manuscritos hebraicos del Arxiu Municipal de Girona sobre enfermedades genitales y sus remedios: edición, traducción y glosario", Sefarad, 2014, 74/1, 33-74
- Casanovas Miró, Jordi, "Restes de manuscits hebreus reutilitzats en la fabricació d'una arqueta gòtica", dins: Ruiz i Quesada, Francesc (ed.), Viatges a la bellesa: miscel·lània homenatge a Maria Rosa Manote i Clivilles, Barcelona: s.n., 2015, pp. 183-190
- Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama - Melammed, Uri, "Transmitting medicine across religions: Jean of Avignon's Hebrew translation of the Lilium medicine", dins: Fontaine, Resianne - Freudenthal, Gad (eds.), Latin-into-Hebrew: Texts and Studies, I, Leiden: Brill, 2013, vol. 1 (Studies), pp. 121-159
- Cohen-Hanegbi, Naama, "Jean of Avignon: conversing in two worlds", Medieval Encounters, 2016, 22, 165-192
- Cole, Peter, The Dream of the Poem: Hebrew Poetry from Muslim and Christian Spain (950-1492), translated, edited and introduced by —, Princeton - Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2007
- Coll, Josep M., "Escuelas de lenguas orientales en los siglos XIII-XIV", Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia, 17 (1944), 115-138; 18 (1945), 59-90; i 19 (1946), 217-240
- Collins, Kenneth - Kottek, Samuel - Paavilainen, Helena (eds.), Isaac Israeli: The Philosopher Physician, with a foreword by Fred Rosner, Jerusalem: Muriel and Philip Berman Medical Library, 2015, viii + 227 pp., il.
- Contessa, Andreina, "Wandering books: the migration of fifteenth-century Sephardic manuscripts and their ‘new life' outside Iberia", dins: Afonso, Luís U. - Moita, Tiago (eds.), Sephardic Book Art of the Fifteenth Century, Turnhout: Brepols, 2019, pp. 175-198
- Contreni, John J. - Casciani, Santa (eds.), Word, Image, Number: Communication in the Middle Ages, Florència: SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2002, 457 pp., (Micrologus' Library, 8)
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- Duchowny, Aléxia Teles, De Magia (Ms. Laud Or. 282, Bodleian Library): edição e estudo, : Tesi doctoral de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2007
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- Eljarrat, Maximiliano, El Maguen ha-rosh: tratado de ginecología de Sheshet Benveniste, : Tesi doctoral de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: Facultad de Medicina, 1989
- Faulhaber, Charles B., "Semitica iberica: translations from Hebrew and Arabic into the medieval Romance vernaculars of the Iberian Peninsula", Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2004, 81/7-8, 873-896
- Feliu, Eduard - Arrizabalaga, Jon, "El pròleg de Semtov ben Issac, el Tortosí, a la seva traducció hebrea del Taṣrīf d'Abū-l-Qāsim al-Zahrawī", Tamid, 2001, 3, 65-95
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