Darrera modificació: 2016-08-30 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Peter of Spain, Tractatus, called afterwards Summulae logicales, first critical edition from the manuscripts with an introduction by Lambert M. de Rijk, Assen, Van Gorcum, 1972, cxxix + 303 pp.
- Resum
- "Contents of the Tractatus. - As to the doctrinal contents, the Tractatus may be divided in two main parts: one (A) discussing doctrines found in the so-called logica antiquorum (=logica vetus and logica nova), the other (B) those commonly dealt with in the logica modernorum (the tracts discussing the so-called proprietates terminorum): A. De introductionibus (Tract I), De predicabilibus (Tract II), De predicamentis ((Tract III), De sillogismis (Tract IV), De locis (Tract V), De fallaciis (Tract VII); B. De suppositionibus (tract VI), De relativis (Tract VIII), De ampliationibus (Tract IX), De appellationibus (Tract X), De restrictionibus (Tract XI), De distributionibus (Tract XII)" (Introduction, pp. LXXXVIII-LXXXIX).
- Matèries
- Filosofia
Lògica Edició Crítica textual
- Notes
- Petrus Hispanus (Pere Hispà, Joan XXI).
* Paul J. W. Miller, al Journal of the History of Philosophy, 14/4 (1976), 498-499, en accés lliure a http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_the_history ... 
Trad. esp.: Pedro Hispano, Tractatus, llamado después Summule logicales, Ciudad de México, UNAM: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, 1986.
Vegeu Rijk "On the genuine text of Peter of ..."