Darrera modificació: 2011-09-06 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Paravicini Bagliani, Agostino (ed.), Gli ebrei e le scienze / The Jews and the Sciences, Florència, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo (Micrologus: Natura, Scienze e Società Medievali, 9), 2001, 302 pp.
- Resum
- Conté:
* Barkai (2001), "Origines et sources de la ..." (9-19)
* Lola Ferre / The Place of Scientific Knowledge in Some Spanish Jewish Authors (21-34)
* Tony Levy / Les débuts de la littérature mathématique hebraïque: la géometrie d'Abraham bar Hiyya (XIe-XIIe siècle) (35-64)
* Shlomo Sela / Abraham Ibn Ezra's Strategy in the Creation of a Hebrew Scientific Terminology (65-87)
* Mirko D. Grmek / Une consultation venetienne de Paolo Sarpi sur l'exercice de la medecine par les juifs (89-104)
* Piero Morpurgo / La polemica medievale contro la cultura e la scienza degli ebrei (105-124)
* Boaz Huss / Mysticism versus Philosophy in Kabbalistic Literature (125-135)
* Peter Biller / A 'Scientific' View of Jews From Paris Around 1300 (137-168)
* Gad Freudenthal / Holiness and Defilement: the Ambivalent Perception of Philosophy by its Opponents in the Early Fourteenth Century (169-193)
* Joseph Shatzmiller / Jacob ben Elie, traducteur multilingue a Venise a la fin du xiiie siecle (195-202)
* Mauro Zonta / Aristotle's Physics in Late-Medieval Jewish Philosophy (14th-15th Century) and a Newly Identified Commentary by Yehuda Messer Leon (203-217)
* Y. Tzvi Langerman / Studies in Medieval Hebrew Pythagoreanism: Translations and Notes to Nichomachus Arithmological Texts (219-236)
* Giuliano Tamani / La biblioteca scientifica di Mordekay Finzi (Mantova, sec. XV) (237-247)
* Diego Quaglioni / Orta est disputatio super matheria promotionis inter doctores: L'Ammisione degli ebrei al dottorato (249-267)
* Myriam Silvera / «Le leggi della natura sono cosi perfette e efficienti da no potersi ad esse nulla aggiungere e nelle togliere»: l'ordine naturale e il problema del miracolo de fonte rabbiniche a Spinoza (269-278)
* Y. Dahhaoui / Indice dei manoscritti
- Matèries
- Història de la ciència
Jueus Hebreu
- Notes
- Número monogràfic de la revista.
Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.sismel.it/tidetails.asp?hdntiid=703 
* Ira Robinson, The Medieval Review, 03.10.06, en accés lliure a https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle ...