Darrera modificació: 2010-03-25 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Cançoners, Altres
Bisson, Thomas N., The Crisis of the Twelfth Century: Power, Lordship, and the Origins of European Government, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2009, xxviii + 677 + [8] pp. de làm.
- Resum
- Medieval civilization came of age in thunderous events like the Norman Conquest and the First Crusade. Power fell into the hands of men around castles who imposed coercive new lordships in quest of nobility, heedless of the old public order. In "The Crisis of the Twelfth Century", acclaimed historian Thomas Bisson asks what it was like to live in a Europe without government, and he asks how people experienced power, and suffered. Rethinking a familiar history as a problem of origins, he explores the circumstances that impelled knights, emperors, nobles, and churchmen to infuse lordship with social purpose. Bisson traces the origins of European government to a crisis of lordship and its resolution. King John of England was only the latest and most conspicuous in a gallery of bad lords who dominated the populace instead of ruling it. Men like him had been all too commonplace in the twelfth century. More and more knights pretended to powers and status, encroached on clerical domains and exploited peasants, and came to seem threatening to social order and peace. Yet as Bisson shows, it was not so much the oppressed people as their tormentors who were in crisis. Covering all of Western Christendom, this book suggests what these violent people - and the outcries they provoked - contributed to the making of governments in kingdoms, principalities, and towns. "The Crisis of the Twelfth Century" is an unparalleled cultural history of power in medieval Europe, and a monumental achievement by one of today's foremost medievalists.
* The age of lordship (875-1150)
* Lord-rulership (1050-1150): the experience of power
* Crises of power (1060-1150)
* Resolution: intrusions of government (1150-1215)
* Celebration and persuasion (1160-1225)
- Matèries
- Història de la cultura
Filosofia moral - Política
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8741.html

Trad. esp.: La crisis del siglo XII: el poder, la nobleza y los orígenes de la gobernación europea, Barcelona, Crítica, 2010, 847 pp + [8] làm.
- http://books.google.com/books?id=HPDyV9gtzRUC&lpg=P ...