Darrera modificació: 2009-07-11 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Eamon, William, Science and the Secrets of Nature: Books of Secrets in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1994, xv + 490 pp.
- Resum
- According to William Eamon, it is in the "how-to" books written by medieval alchemists, magicians, and artisans that modern science has its roots. These compilations of recipes on everything from parlor tricks through medical remedies to wool-dyeing fascinated medieval intellectuals because they promised access to esoteric "secrets of nature." In closely examining this rich but little-known source of literature, Eamon reveals that printing technology and popular culture had as great, if not stronger, an impact on early modern science as did the traditional academic disciplines.
Introduction: Printing, Popular Culture, and the Scientific Revolution 3
Pt. 1 The Literature of Secrets 13
1 The Literature of Secrets in the Middle Ages 15
2 Knowledge and Power 38
Pt. 2 The Secrets of Nature in the Age of Printing 91
3 Arcana Disclosed 93
4 The Professors of Secrets and Their Books 134
5 Leonardo Fioravanti, Vendor of Secrets 168
6 Natural Magic and the Secrets of Nature 194
7 The Secrets of Nature in Popular Culture 234
Pt. 3 The "New Philosophy" 267
8 Science as a Venatio 269
9 The Virtuosi and the Secrets of Nature 301
10 From the Secrets of Nature to Public Knowledge 319
Conclusion 351
Appendix: Secreti Italiani: Italian Booklets of Secrets, ca. 1520-1643 361
- Matèries
- Màgia - Màgia natural
Història de la medicina
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://press.princeton.edu/titles/5510.html

Reimpr. en rústica: 1996.
- http://books.google.es/books?id=CKtDOio4SP8C&lpg=PP ...