Darrera modificació: 2023-11-22 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Kurzmann, Peter, "Über die Zeichnungen alchemistischer Gefäße in einem Manuskript des Pseudo-Geber", Sudhoffs Archiv, 95/1 (2011), 66-93.
- Resum
- Manuscript ric. 933 „Geber de investigatione perfectionis magisterii“, kept in the Libreria Riccardiana in Florence, is a 13th century Latin version of the „Book of the Secret of the Secrets“ („kitāb sirr al-asrār“) by the Arabian alchemist al-Rāzī (865–925). The manuscript shows on page 25r a series of drawings of alchemistic vessels and apparatus which do not figure in the Arabian original but which are of particular interest as they date from as early as the 13th century and are numbered amongst the earliest drawings of this kind which we possess. The publication of the manuscript by Julius Ruska in 1935 shows only copied drawings with his interpretations of the legends. There was considerable interest in the publication of the original page 25r and in the course of further study it became clear that these interpretations had to be revised. These new interpretations presented in detail in this paper are justified and put into an alchemistic context. In some cases they give a new understanding and differ considerably from Ruska's versions.
- Matèries
- Aljamia
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- https://www.jstor.org/stable/23078590