Darrera modificació: 2023-03-29 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Witteman, Nina, "Het taboe op antropofagie in de laatmiddeleeuwse Lage Landen – Mirakelverhalen, chirurgische traktaten en kronieken", Jonge Historici, (2021).
- Resum
- Anthropophagy, or as it is better known today, cannibalism, refers to the act of a human consuming human flesh. The concept had uncomfortable connotations in late medieval Europe and aroused a sense of fear in the population. This can partly be explained on the basis of the human survival instinct, but was also caused by the importance people gave to the body in a cultural and religious sense. The human body was seen as a fusion of the material substance, which made contact with the physical world possible, and the spiritual substance, which was in contact with the afterlife and was immortal. The body was interpreted as an intermediary between the worldly and the spiritual, making eating human flesh a highly symbolic event. This belief resulted in the formation of a taboo against the consumption of human flesh. Taboos are part of the whole of social agreements that a community makes among themselves. They protect cultural conventions and existing hierarchies by forbidding deviant words, objects or customs that could violate social order. This thesis examines the taboo on anthropophagy in the perceptions of the inhabitants of the late medieval Low Countries. To study this, it was decided to look at the taboo on anthropophagy from three different contexts: chronicles of famines, the Christian Eucharist and medicine. This research shows that the taboo on eating human flesh was created to keep this fraught event, which was also associated with many fears and tensions, out of the world of the everyday and the human and to banish it to the world of the extraordinary, the special and the unattainable.
- Matèries
- Història de la cultura
Alimentació Medicina - Cirurgia i anatomia Simbologia
- Notes
- Traducció cat. del títol: "El tabú de l'antropofàgia als Països Baixos baixmedievals: històries de miracles, tractats quirúrgics i cròniques".
- https://www.jhsg.nl/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Nina ...

https://www.jhsg.nl/nina-witteman-het-taboe-op-antr ...