Darrera modificació: 2020-10-16 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Baum, Ilil, "Jewish Lullism around the Expulsion: a Spanish-Catalan fragment in Hebrew characters from Ramon Llull's Introductorium Magnae Artis Generalis", Jewish Quarterly Review, 110/3 (2020), 553-573.
- Resum
- A Hebrew manuscript in the Vatican Library (MS Vat. ebr. 375), which is estimated to be from the late fifteenth century and written by different Italian and Sephardic hands, contains a fragment of seventeen philosophical definitions in a Catalanized Castilian in Hebrew script (folios 50r–51r). The definitions are of the concepts of “privation,” “infinity,” “comprehension,” “apprehension,” “capacity,” “existence,” “agency,” “faculty,” “object,” “act,” “necessity,” “regime,” “militancy,” “politics,” “preaching,” “prayer,” and “memory.” I have identified their origins in the centum formae in Llull's Introductorium magnae artis generalis ('Introduction to the great general art'; also known as Liber de universalibus, 'Book of universals'). In the following, I contextualize Jewish reception of Christian thinkers such as Ramon Llull, while comparing and contrasting the Hebrew-letter fragment to the known Latin manuscripts. I expand on Jewish Lullian readership, mainly among Jewish physicians in the Iberian Peninsula and Italy around the expulsion, roughly between 1480 and 1520. A critical edition of the fragment including a comparison to its Latin sources and its translation into English appears as an appendix in the online edition of this essay.
- Matèries
- Llull, Ramon
Lul·lisme Manuscrits Aljamia
- Notes
- Edició del fragment a Baum (2020), "Critical edition of a fragment of ...".
- https://doi.org/10.1353/jqr.2020.0020

http://www.ub.edu/llulldb/docs/Baum-JQR.2020-Jewish ...