Darrera modificació: 2020-12-26 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Demaitre, Luke E., "Official objectives of the Visitatio leprosorum: ambiguity, ambivalence, and variance", dins: Rawcliffe, Carole - Weeda, Claire (eds.), Policing the Urban Environment in Premodern Europe, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press (Premodern Crime and Punishment), 2019, pp. 271-312.
- Resum
- Until the eighteenth century, authorities regularly responded to reports of leprosy by ordering a formal examination, resulting in a certified judgment on the health and future of the suspect. This chapter is part of an ongoing project involving the collation of 600 certificates, recorded between 1250 and 1807, and preserved in Western European archives, set in the wider context of urban regulations, institutional statutes, and royal or imperial edicts. Contrary to prevailing stereotypes, public responses to leprosy varied quantitatively, qualitatively, regionally, and chronologically. A wide range of dynamics beyond the issue of contagion, which monopolizes retrospective discussions of Hansen's disease, is apparent. Public order was more often the paramount concern of examiners, while separation did not necessarily equate with exclusion.
- Matèries
- Història de la medicina
Medicina - Pesta i altres malalties Sanejament
- https://osf.io/preprints/bodoarxiv/k6vqz/

https://assets.ctfassets.net/4wrp2um278k7/6Opc7rsOo ...