Darrera modificació: 2019-03-18 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Zipser, Barbara (ed.), Medical Books in the Byzantine World, Bologna, Eikasmós (Eikasmós: Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica, Studi Online, 2), 2013, 194 pp.
- Resum
- This volume originates from a conference on Byzantine Medical Manuals in Context, held in central London on the 19th of September 2009. The conference, which was jointly organized by Peregrine Horden and Barbara Zipser, formed part of a three year project on Byzantine Medical Manuals: Construction and Use based at the Department of History at Royal Holloway University of London.
* 1. Prefatory note: the uses of medical manuscripts / Peregrine Horden · 1
* 2. Byzantine medicine, genres, and the ravages of time / Vivian Nutton · 7
* 3. Disease and where to treat it: a Byzantine vade mecum / Dionysios Stathakopoulos · 19
* 4. Fischer (2013), "Two Latin Pre-Salernitan medical ..." · 35
* 5. The fate of a Greek medical handbook in the Medieval West: the Introduction, or the Physician ascribed to Galen / Caroline Petit · 57
* 6. Aristotle and the Caliph's Dream: aspects of medical translations / David Bennett · 79
* 7. ‘Syriac' plant names in a fifteenth century Greek glossary (from the Wellcome Library books and manuscripts) / Nikolaj Serikoff · 97
* 8. The reception of Galen's Art of medicine in the Syriac Book of medicines / Siam Bhayro · 123
* 9. Medieval hospital formularies: Byzantium and Islam compared / Peregrine Horden · 145
* 10. Cancerous cells, Neanderthal DNA and the tradition of Byzantine medicine: textual criticism in philology and genomics / Florian Markowetz & Barbara Zipser · 165
- Matèries
- Medicina
Manuscrits Grec Traduccions Àrab Galè Aristòtil
- http://www2.classics.unibo.it/eikasmos/index.php?pa ...

https://www.academia.edu/5037471/Two_Latin_Pre-Sale ...