Darrera modificació: 2018-03-02 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Fancy, Nahyan, "Medical commentaries: a preliminary examination of Ibn al-Nafīs's Shurūḥ, the Mūjaz and subsequent commentaries on the Mūjaz", Oriens, 41/3-4 (2013), 525-545.
- Resum
- In this paper, I shall compare the introductory and physiological sections of two of Ibn al-Nafīs's medical commentaries (shurūḥ), to his Mūjaz, and two commentaries on the Mūjaz, in order to arrive at a better understanding of what were considered to be the salient aspects of each genre. The paper will particularly focus on how the commentators situate their own understanding of a specific physiological issue vis-à-vis the source text, its commentaries and/or the discussions found in the works of other medical authorities on these same issues. I shall also explore how the differences between the form and content of Ibn al-Nafīs's shurūḥ and the Mūjaz were navigated by subsequent commentators of the Mūjaz.
- Matèries
- Arabisme
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