Darrera modificació: 2019-02-25 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Yoshikawa, Naoë Kukita (ed.), Medicine, Religion and Gender in Medieval Culture, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer (Gender in the Middle Ages, 11), 2015, xv + 293 pp.
- Resum
- Current preoccupations with the body have led to a growing interest in the intersections between religion, literature and the history of medicine, and, more specifically, how they converge within a given culture. This collection of essays explores the ways in which aspects of medieval culture were predicated upon an interaction between medical and religious discourses, particularly those inflected by contemporary gendered ideologies. The essays interrogate this convergence broadly in a number of different ways: textually, conceptually, historically, socially and culturally. They argue for an inextricable relationship between the physical and spiritual in accounts of health, illness and disability, and demonstrate how medical, religious and gender discourses were integrated in medieval culture.
* Introduction / Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa
-- Part I. Mary the physician
* Watt (2015), "Mary the physician: women ..." · 27-44
-- Part II. Female mysticism and metaphors of illness
* Magnani (2015), "Chaucer's physicians: raising ..." · 45-64
* Yoshikawa (2015), "Heavenly vision and psychosomatic ..." · 67-84
* McAvoy (2015), "Bathing in blood: the medical ..." · 85-102
* Vuille (2015), "«Maybe I'm crazy?»: diagnosis ..." · 103-120
-- Part III. Fifteenth-century poetry and theological prose
* Matsuda (2015), "Purgatory and spiritual healing ..." · 123-138
* Bishop (2015), "Reginald Pecock's reading heart ..." · 139-158
-- Part IV. Disfigurement and disability
* Metzler (2015), "Disabled children: birth defects ..." · 161-180
* Skinner (2015), "Marking tahe face, curing the ..." · 181-202
* Hawkins (2015), "Did drunkenness dim the sight? ..." · 203-220
* Brenner (2015), "Between palliative care and ..." · 221-234
* Afterword / Denis Renevey
- Matèries
- Religió
Història de la medicina Dones Història de la literatura
- Notes
- Recensions:
* Kristin Uscinski, a H-Net Reviews, agost 2017 .
- http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.7722/j.ctt13wwzh3

https://books.google.es/books?id=yA1zCgAAQBAJ&lpg=P ...