Darrera modificació: 2017-09-09 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Pontani, Filippomaria (ed.), «Certissima signa»: a Venice Conference on Greek and Latin Astronomical Texts, Venècia, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (Antichistica, 13 / Filologia e letteratura, 2), 2017, 347 pp.
- Resum
- The observation of the stars has never just been a matter of ‘science', but has constantly interacted with other domains, such as philosophy, literature, medicine, religion, history and magic. Consequently, the history of astronomical writings involves very diverse skills and, therefore, calls for a cooperation between scholars. The present book represents such a shared attempt to investigate ancient, medieval and Renaissance astronomical texts, with a special focus on their transmission in manuscripts and prints, the relationship between texts and images, and the Nachleben of the Greco-Latin tradition in later Western culture.
* Astronomica / Susy Marcon
* Astronomica Marciana / Elisabetta Sciarra
* Non-Eratosthenic Astral Myths in the Catasterisms / Jordi Pàmias
* Astronomy and Geography / Klaus Geus - Irina Tupikova
* L'astronomie dans les Harmonica de Manuel Bryenne / Anne Weddigen
* Texts and Illustrations in Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, ms. Lat. VIII 22 (2760) / Fabio Guidetti
* De signis coeli and De ordine ac positione stellarum in signis / Anna Santoni
* Tubi astronomici / Francesco Bertola
* Exploring the Relevance of the Star-positions in the Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts of Hyginus' De Astronomia / Arnaud Zucker
* Hyginus, Michael Scot (?) and the Tyranny of Technology in the Early Renaissance / Kristen Lippincott
* On Aldus' Scriptores astronomici (1499) / Filippomaria Pontani - Elisabetta Lugato
* Cristannus de Prachaticz's Treatises on the Astrolabe / Petr Hadrava - Alena Hadravová
* Gli auctores nella Cosmographiae introductio (1507) di M. Waldseemüller e M. Ringmann / Davide Baldi
- Matèries
- Astronomia i astrologia
Geografia i viatges Bibliografia Manuscrits
- http://doi.org/10.14277/978-88-6969-165-2

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