Darrera modificació: 2016-11-15 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Gomes, João Pedro, "Folgam de comer os comeres feitos ao nosso modo: práticas e culturas alimentares entre o Rio Senegal e o Rio Gâmbia (séculos XV e XVI)", dins: Ribeiro, Cilene da Silva Gomes - Soares, Carmen, Odisseia de sabores da lusofonia, Coimbra, Universidade de Coimbra, 2015, 67-107.
- Resum
- The Portuguese maritime enterprise to the south of Cape Bojador,started in the 30's of the 15th century by Prince Henry and boosted in the 40's, resulted in a vast array of literary creations that we can call the Travel Writing, whose main objective were the enhancement of the pioneered seas (and the sailors responsible)and the newly discovered land. Chroniclers, sailors and merchants would contribute thus to the diffusion of chronicles texts and relações, imprinting their own visions of the African, their continent, their habits and customs, and making possible the circulation of these productions throughout Europe and urging the old continent,avid curiosity for new discoveries, new plants, new cultures. These reports, focused on observation / characterization of this faraway and exotic Other and its transmission to all non-direct observers, were mainly held on the description of habits and customs, from an European reference of society, culture and civility. These texts allows us to identify, to list and realize eating habits and cultures associated with both parts, the observed (African) as the observer (the European), the relationship established between the two parties, as well as the operated cultural transfers, in this particular case, on the geographical space between the River Senegal, the Gambia River and the Cape Verde archipelago.
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Geografia i viatges
- https://digitalis.uc.pt/pt-pt/livro/folgam_de_comer ...