Darrera modificació: 2025-01-28 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Arnau
Gadebusch Bondio, Mariacarla, Medical Ethics: Premodern Negotiations between Medicine and Philosophy, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 2014, 239 pp.
- Resum
- Ethical issues are inherent in medicine. Morally appropriate forms of medical behaviour, the thorough communication of diagnosis and prognosis, and carefully evaluated treatment promising recovery have been among the standards of medical ethics down to the present day. The testimonies of a lively tradition, which since antiquity has contributed to the permanent critical reflection of medicine, constitute the cultural background of contemporary bioethics. They demonstrate how fertile the dialogue between medicine and philosophy on ethical questions can be. This also includes the critical examination of the objects, aims, methods and boundaries of the physicians profession and of medical research. These boundaries have had throughout history to be constantly renegotiated and defined, and not only in the 21st century.
* Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio / Introduction · 7
* Christian Schulze / "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung" in der Antike· 17
* Chiara Crisciani / Medicine and Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Sisters, Companions, Rivals · 29
* Danielle Jacquart / Le médecin médiéval et les bonnes moeurs · 47
* Klaus Bergdolt / Petrarca, Aristoteles und die Kritik an der scholastischen Medizin · 61
* McVaugh (2014), "Medical values and behavior: a ..." · 73-89
* Matthias Roick / Der kluge Patient. Humanistische Ärztekritik im * Spannungsfeld zwischen Ethik und Medizin · 91
* Teodoro Katinis / Praise and Practice of Medicine in Marsilio Ficino · 109
* Joseph Ziegler / The Medieval Foundations of Renaissance Medical Ethics: The Case of Gabriele Zerbi's De cautelis medicorum · 117
* Kay Peter / Jankrift Mit der Verstocktheit eines Ketzers. Das Bild des häretischen Arztes in Gabriele Zerbis De cautelis medicorum · 131
* Cecilia Muratori / Medical and Ethical Aspects of Vegetarianism: On the Reception of Porphyry's De abstinentia in the Renaissance · 143
* Roberto Poma / La médecine morale de Luigi Luisini. Le premier traitement médico-philosophique des passions de l'âme · 161
* Winfried Schleiner / Early Modern Medical Ethics and Medical Humor · 175
* Klara Vanek / Der bonus chirurgus und die Fehlervermeidung. Zum Berufsethos der Chirurgie in der frühen Neuzeit · 185
* Vivian Nutton / The Doctor and the Magistrate. A Lawyer's View of Medical Ethics · 211
* Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio / “Speaks True, Who Speaks Shadows.” Truth and Lies at the Sick-Bed · 221
- Matèries
- Medicina - Ètica i etiqueta mèdiques
Vilanova, Arnau de Filosofia Dret
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor