Darrera modificació: 2009-09-03 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Williams, Steven J., The Secret of Secrets: The Scholarly Career of a Pseudo-Aristotelian Text in the Latin Middle Ages, Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 2003, 484 pp.
- Resum
- Estudi de l'arribada del Secretum secretorum a l'Occident llatí. Defensa la cort imperial de Frederic II com a principal via d'entrada, contra hipòtesis anteriors que apuntaven vers la cort papal (Paravicini).
* Introduction 1
* 1. The Contents and the Formation of the Secret of Secrets 7
* 2. John of Seville and the Introduction of the Secret of Secrets to the West 31
* 3. Philip of Tripoli and the Complete Translation of the Secret of Secrets 60
* 4. From the Holy Land to Europe: The First Stage of Circulation 109
* 5. Textual History and the Myth of an Official Expurgation 142
* 6. The Scholarly Reception of the Secret of Secrets, Part 1: Success 183
* 7. The Scholarly Reception of the Secret of Secrets, Part 2: The Limits of Success 298
* Conclusion 344
* Appendixes
1. John of Seville’s Prologue to the Epistola 353
2. Philip of Tripoli’s Prologue to the Secret of Secrets 359
3. Manuscripts of the Secret of Secrets to circa 1325 367
4. Commentaries 419
5. Early Printings of the Latin Secret of Secrets 427
- Matèries
- Filosofia - Filosofia moral
Filosofia - Filosofia natural Medicina Enciclopedisme
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.press.umich.edu/titleDetailDesc.do?id=17841

* Ilaria Zamuner, a Studi Medievali, 47(2) (2006), 722-733.