| Londres [London], Peter Short, 1599 – Pseudo-Arnau de Vilanova, Epistle of mans blood dystilled, Traductor: Thomas Hill |
| Publicació de la fitxa: 2014-11-25 Darrera modificació: 2024-10-16 |
| Bases de dades: | Arnau |
| Descripció |
| Autor: | Cristina Sáez |
| Identificació de l'exemplar ideal |
| Real / reconstruït: | Real |
| Datació: | expressa |
| Data: | 1599 |
| Impressor + lloc |
| Peter Short |
| Lloc: | Londres [London] |
| Portada + colofó |
| Portada: | The practise of the new and old phisicke, wherein is contained the most excellent secrets of phisicke and philosophie, devided into foure bookes. In the which are the best approved remedies for the diseases as well inward as outward, of al the parts of mans body: treating amplie of al distillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the use and preparation of antimonie and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approved authors by that excellent Doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures and maner to make the vessels, furnaces and other instruments thereunto belonging. Newly corrected and published in English by George Baker, one of the Queenes Majesties chiefe Chirurgians in ordinary. |
| Dedicatari, comitent, editor, etc. |
| George Baker |
| Funció: | Curador |
| Índex de continguts |
| |
| Folis: | pp. 168v-169r (cap. 23) |
| Observacions: | Dedicatòria de George Baker a Edward de Vere, comte d'Oxford
Prefaci dirigit als joves practicants de medicina i cirurgia |
| Bibliografia: | The Jewel House: Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution Per Deborah E. Harkness (google books) |
| Bibliografia d'aquesta edició |
| Catàlegs i repertoris: | Countway*, Houghton, WL ??. |
| Bibliografia secundària: | Giralt (2004-2005), "Un alquimista medieval per als ...", p.119 |
| Llista d'exemplars |
| |
| Descripcions: | https://wellcomecollection.org/works/w7gjh6mv  |
| Reproduccions: | https://wellcomecollection.org/works/w7gjh6mv/items  |