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Matèria: Aristòtil
- Adamson, Peter, "al-Kindī, Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 672-676
- Adde-Vomáčka, Éloïse, "La réception du Secret des secrets dans les pays tchèques (XIIIe-XVIe siècles)", dins: Bridges, Margaret - Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine - Tilliette, Jean-Yves (eds.), Trajectoires européennes du Secret des secrets du Pseudo-Aristote (XIIIe-XVIe siècles), Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, pp. 427-447
- al-Kindī, Abū Yūsuf Yaʿqūb ibn Isḥāq, The Philosophical Works of al-Kindi, edited by Peter E. Pormann and Peter Adamson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012, 500 pp.
- Albert le Grand, Les Secrets des hommes et des femmes, composez par le Grand Albert, traduits de latin en françois, París: s. n., s. d.
- Albert the Great, Questions concerning Aristotle's On animals, translated by Irven M. Resnick and Kenneth F. Kitchell, Jr., Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2008, xxxiii + 574 pp.
- Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d', "Pseudo-Aristotle De Elementis", dins: Kraye, Jill - Ryan, W. F. - Schmitt, C. B. (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts, Londres: The Warburg Institute - University of London, 1986, pp. 63-83
- Archer, Robert, "Una font aristotèlica d'Ausiàs March", dins: Ferrando Francés, Antoni - Hauf, Albert G. (eds.), Miscel·lània Joan Fuster: estudis de llengua i literatura, Barcelona - València: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat - Universitat de València: Departament de Filologia Catalana - Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, 1991, vol. 4, pp. 59-74
- Aristote, Histoire des animaux, nouvelle traduction avec introduction, notes et index par J. Tricot, París: J. Vrin, 1957, 2 vols. (778 pp.), (Bibliothèque des textes philosophiques)
- Aristòtil, Investigación sobre los animales, introducción de Carlos García Gual, traducción [castellana] y notas de Julio Pallí Bonet, Madrid: Gredos, 1992, 612 pp., (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 171)
- Aristòtil, La Metaura d'Aristotile: volgarizzamento fiorentino anonimo del XIV secolo, edizione critica [a cura di] Rita Librandi, Nàpols: Liguori, 1995, 2 vols., (Romanica neapolitana, 29)
- Aristòtil, Reproducción de los animales, introducción, traducción y notas de Ester Sánchez, Madrid: Gredos, 1994, 326 pp., (Biblioteca clásica Gredos, 201)
- Aristotle, De animalibus: Michael Scot's Arabic-Latin Translation, edited by Aafke M. I. van Oppenraaij, Leiden - Nova York - Colònia: E. J. Brill, 1992-1998, 2 vols. publ., (Aristoteles Semitico-Latinus, 5)
- Aristotle, Historia animalium, with an English translation by A. L. Peck [and] D. M. Balme, Londres - Cambridge (Mass.): Heinemann - Harvard University Press, 1965-1991, 3 vols., (Loeb Classical Library, 437-439)
- Aristotle, The Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation, ed. by Jonathan Barnes, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995 (6a reimpr. amb corr.), 2 vols. (xi + 2487 pp.), (Bollingen Series, 71/2)
- Asúa, Miguel de, The Organization of Discourse on Animals in the Thirteenth Century: Peter of Spain, Albert the Great and the Commentaries on 'De animalibus', : Tesi doctoral de la University of Notre Dame (Indiana), 1991
- Baffioni, Carmela, "Aristotle, Arabic: Physics", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 116-118
- Barbero Briones, Sergio, "Los defectos ópticos de la visión explicados por Aristóteles", Asclepio, 2013, 65/1, p005 (1-10)
- Berger, Friederike, "Die Textgeschichte der Historia Animalium des Aristoteles, Aristophanes von Byzanz und die zoologische Sylloge des Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos", Rursus: Poiétique, réception et réécriture des textes antiques, 2012, 7 [=L'encyclopédie zoologique de Constantin VII vel Epitomé d'Aristophane de Byzance, ed. Arnaud Zucker], publ. electrònica
- Bianchi, Luca (ed.), Christian readings of Aristotle from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, Turnhout: Brepols, 2011, pp. 37-64, (Studia artistatum, 29)
- Bizzarri, Hugo O., "La versión castellana de la Epistola Aristotelis ad Alexandrum de dieta seruanda de Juan de Sevilla del manuscrito RAE 155", dins: García de Lucas, Cesar - Oddo Bonnet, Alexandra (eds.), Quando me pago só monje e quando me pago soy calonje: studia in honorem Bernard Darbord, San Millán de la Cogolla: Cilengua, 2029, pp. 57-70
- Bloch, David, John of Salisbury on Aristotelian Science, Turnhout: Brepols, 2012, xvi + 246 pp., (Disputatio, 8)
- Bloch, David, "The text of Aristotle' De sensu and De memoria", Revue d'Histoire des Textes, 2008, n.s., 3, 1-58
- Bloem, Annelies, "Le transfert des concepts de mouvement: Analyse des stratégies maniées par Evrart de Conty traducteur des Problemata pseudo-aristotéliciens", The Medieval Translator, 2007, 10, 303-317
- Boer, Sander W. de, The Science of the Soul: The Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260-c. 1360, Lovaina: Leuven University Press, 2012 [=2013], vii + 333 pp., (Ancient and medieval philosophy, 46)
- Bubb, Claire, "Hollows in the Heart: A Lexical Approach to Cardiac Structure in Aristotle", Sudhoffs Archiv, 2019, 103/2, 128-140
- Burnett, Charles, "Arabic, Greek and Latin works on astrological magic attributed to Aristotle", dins: Kraye, Jill - Ryan, W. F. - Schmitt, C. B. (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts, Londres: The Warburg Institute - University of London, 1986, pp. 84-96
- Burnett, Charles, "Aristotle as an authority on judicial astrology", dins: Weijers, Olga - Meirinhos, José Francisco Preto (eds.), Florilegium mediaevale: études offertes à Jacqueline Hamesse à l'occasion de son éméritat, Turnhout: Brepols, 2009, pp. 41-62
- Burnett, Charles (ed.), Glosses and Commentaries on Aristotelian Logical Texts: the Syriac, Arabic and Medieval Latin Traditions, Londres: University of London, 1993, 192 pp., (Warburg Institute Surveys & Texts, 23)
- Burzelli, Luca, "Tradition and Success of a Physical Treatise. The Reception of Contarini's De elementis in the Last XVIth Century.", Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 2020, 5, 307-345
- Calma, Dragos - Coccia, Emanuele, "Un commentaire inédit de Siger de Brabant sur la Physique d'Aristote (ms. Paris, BnF, lat. 16297)", Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge, 2006, 73, 283-350
- Camarasa, Josep M. - Mielgo, Honorino - Roca, Antoni (eds.), Actes de les I Trobades d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica: Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània (Maó, 11-13 setembre 1991), Barcelona: Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Societat Catalana de Física, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Institut Menorquí d'Estudis: Secció de Ciència i Tècnica, 1994, viii + 444 pp.
- Campopiano, Michele, "A philosopher between East and West: Aristotle and the Secret of Secrets", Lampas, 2013, 46/3, 282-289
- Carbone, Andrea L., Aristote illustré: représentations du corps et schématisation dans la biologie aristotélicienne, París: Classiques Garnier, 2011, 236 pp., (Les Anciens et les Modernes: Études de philosophie, 3)
- Caroti, Stefano, "De generatione et corruptione, Commentaries on Aristotle's", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 251-256
- Caroti, Stefano (ed.), Studies in Medieval Natural Philosophy, introduction of John E. Murdoch, Florència: Leo S. Olschki, 1989, viii + 333, (Biblioteca di Nuncius, 1)
- Causi, Pietro Li, "Dal fuoco, dalla neve, dalle acque cimmerie : gli insetti paradossali di HA 5.19 e le teorie aristoteliche sulla generazione spontanea", RursuSpicae, 2023, 5 [= Entomologie savante, eds. Draelants, Isabelle - Zucker, Arnaud], (publicació electrònica)
- Colli, Andrea, "Nourishing Body and Soul. Albert the Great on Aristotle's Politics (Books VII-VIII)", Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica, 2023, 23 [= Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great. A Dialogue of Disciplines, eds. Loconsole, Mario - Miteva, Evelina - Panarelli, Marilena], 193-208
- Contreras Mas, Antonio, "El «Aristóteles biológico» en las bibliotecas de los médicos medievales mallorquines", Estudis Baleàrics, 1988, 29-30 [=Homenatge P. Batllori], 41-44
- Conty, Évrart de, Livre des problemes de Aristote: Édition de la partie I d'après le manuscrit autographe, Guichard-Tesson, Françoise - Goyens, Michèle (eds.), París: Honoré Champion, 2024, 776 pp, (Classiques Francais du Moyen Âge, 205)
- Coughlin, Sean - Leith, David - Lewis, Orly (eds.), The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle, Universität Berlin - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Topoi Excellece Cluster, 2020, 432 pp, (Berlin Studies of the Ancient World, 61)
- Crespo Saumell, Jordi, "Aristóteles y la medicina", Asclepio, 2017, 69/1, p169 (1-20 pp.)
- Crespo Saumell, Jordi, "El concepto pneûma en el Anonymus Londinensis", Asclepio, 2014, 66/2, 1-10
- Crisciani, Chiara - Lambertini, Roberto - Martorelli Vico, Romana (eds.), Parva naturalia: saperi medievali, natura e vita. Atti dell'XI Convegno della Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale (Macerata, 7-9 Dicembre 2001), Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali, 2004, 440 pp., (Pubblicazioni della Facolta di lettere e filosofia, 44)
- Crisciani, Chiara, "Il Secretum secretorum in Occidente: tre casi", dins: Fidora, Alexander - Polloni, Nicola (eds.), Appropriation, Interpretation and Criticism: Philosophical and Theological Exchanges between the Arabic, Hebrew and Latin Intellectual Traditions, Barcelona - Roma: Fédération Internationale des Instituts d'Études Médiévales, 2017, pp. 231-260
- Crisciani, Chiara, "Ruggero Bacone e l''Aristotele' del Secretum secretorum", dins: Bianchi, Luca (ed.), Christian readings of Aristotle from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, Turnhout: Brepols, 2011, pp. 37-64
- Cuenca Almenar, Salvador, "L'Ètica nicomaquea d'Aristòtil en un compendi català del segle XV", Anuari de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia, 2012, 23, 7-119
- Cuenca i Almenar, Salvador, Compendis manuscrits en català i castellà de l'Ètica d'Aristòtil al segle XV, : Tesi doctoral de la Universitat de València, 2009
- De Leemans, Pieter - Hoenen, Maarten J. F. M. (eds.), Between Text and Tradition: Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages, Lovaina: Leuven University Press, 2016, 280 pp., (Mediaevalia Lovaniensia, Series 1: Studia, 46)
- De Leemans, Pieter, "Internal senses, intellect and motivation: some evidence from the medieval commentaries on Aristotle's De motu animalium", dins: Federici Vescovini, Graziella - Sorge, Valeria - Vinti, Carlo (eds.), Corpo e anima, sensi interni e intelletto dal secolo XIV ai post-cartesiani e spinoziani: atti del convegno internazionale (Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Educazione e dei Processi Culturali e Formativi, 18-20 sett. 2003), Turnhout: Brepols, 2005, pp. 139-160
- De Leemans, Pieter, "Was Peter Abano the tanslator of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata physica?", Bulletin de Philosophie Médiévale, 2007, 49, 103-118
- Delaurenti, Béatrice, "Jalons pour une histoire de la compassio. Controverses philosophiques et théologiques sur la contagion du bâillement dans les commentaires aux Problèmes d'Aristote au XIVe siècle", Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales, 2021, 79/1, 149-194
- Draelants, Isabelle, "Pourquoi seul l'homme rit ? La topographie des émotons dans le commentaire et les questions d'Albert le Grand sur le De animalibus", dins: Baker, Craig - Cavagna, Mattia - Clesse, Grégory (eds.), Entre le cœur et le diaphragme: (d)écrire les émotions dans la littérature narrative et scientifique du Moyen Âge, Louvain-la-Neuve: Institut d'études médiévales de l'Université catholique de Louvain - Brepols, 2018, pp. 49-78
- Dualde Pérez, Vicente, "La obra de Galeno, paradigma de la medicina humana y animal grecoromana", Actualidad Veterinaria, gen. 2009, 88, 23-26
- Ducos, Joëlle, La météorologie en français au Moyen âge: XIIIe-XIVe siècles, París: H. Champion, 1998, 493 pp., (Sciences, techniques et civilisations du Moyen âge à l'aube des lumières, 2)
- Ducos, Joëlle, "Traduction et autorité: le cas des Météorologiques d'Aristote", Bien dire et bien aprandre, 1996, 14 [=Traduction, transcription, adaptation au Moyen Age: actes du colloque du Centre d'Etudes Médiévales et Dialectales de Lille III (Université Charles-de-Gaulle - Lille III, 22 au 24 septembre 1994), vol. 2], 207-218
- Dunstan, G. R. (ed.), The Human Embryo: Aristotle and the Arabic and European Traditions, Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1990, xi + 235 pp.
- Durling, Richard J., "The anonymous translation of Aristotle's De generatione et corruptione (translatio vetus)", Traditio, 1994, 49, 320-325
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- Federici Vescovini, Graziella, Arti e filosofia nel secolo XIV: studi sulla tradizione aristotelica e i moderni, Florència: Nuovedizioni E. Vallecchi, 1983, ix + 354 pp.
- Federici Vescovini, Graziella, Astrologia e scienza: la crisi dell'aristotelismo sul cadere del Trecento e Biagio Pelacani da Parma, Florència: Nuovedizioni E. Vallecchi, 1979, 471 pp
- Ferrini Maria Fernanda - Giglioni Guido (eds.), Περὶ φυτῶν. Trattati greci di botanica in Occidente e in Oriente, Macerata: Eum, 2021, 272 pp., (Filosofia, logica e semiotica)
- Fidora, Alexander (ed.), Die mantischen Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter, Colònia - Weimar - Viena: Boehlau Verlag, 2013, 208 pp., (Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, 74), ISBN 978-3-412-22124-9
- Fioravanti, Gianfranco - Leonardi, Claudio - Perfetti, Stefano (eds.), Il commento filosofico nell'Occidente latino (secoli XIII-XV): atti del colloquio Firenze-Pisa, 19-22 ottobre 2000, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, viii + 517 pp., (Rencontres de philosophie médiévale, 10)
- Forster, E. S., "The pseudo-aristotelian Problems: their nature and composition", Classical Quarterly, 1928, 22/3, 163-165
- French, Roger, Ancient Natural History: Histories of Nature, Londres - Nova York: Routledge, 1994, xxii + 357 pp., il., bibl., índ., (Sciences of Antiquity)
- French, Roger K., Dissection and Vivisection in the European Renaissance, Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999, viii + 289 pp., il., bibl., índ.
- Freudenthal, Gad, "The medieval astrologization of Aristotle's biology: Averroes on the role of the celestial bodies in the generation of animate bodies", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, 2002, 12, 111-137
- Garcia, Charles, "Miroir des anciens et observations sur les animaux dans l'encyclopédisme castillan du Moyen Âge (XIIIe siècle)", e-Spania, juny 2013, 15 [=«Au miroir des anciens», ed. Sophie Coussemacker], publ. digital
- García Ballester, Luis, "Medicina i aristotelisme a l'Europa dels segles XII-XIII", dins: Camarasa, Josep M. - Mielgo, Honorino - Roca, Antoni (eds.), Actes de les I Trobades d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica: Trobades Científiques de la Mediterrània (Maó, 11-13 setembre 1991), Barcelona: Societat Catalana d'Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Societat Catalana de Física, filial de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans - Institut Menorquí d'Estudis: Secció de Ciència i Tècnica, 1994, pp. 13-31
- Gaullier-Bougassas, Catherine (ed.), Trajectoires européennes du Secretum secretorum du Pseudo-Aristote (XIIIe-XVIe siècle), Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, 450 pp., (Alexander redivivus, 6)
- Gensler, Marek, "1308: Walter Burley's De Generatione Commentary", dins: Speer, Andreas - Wirmer, David, 1308: Eine Topographie historischer Gleichzeitigkeit, Berlín - Nova York: Walter de Gruyter, 2010, pp. 93-103
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- Ghersetti, Antonella (ed.), Il Kitab Aristatalis al-faylasuf fi l-firasa nella traduzione di Ḥunayn b. Isḥāq, a cura di —, Roma - Venècia: Herder - Università Ca' Foscari: Dipartimento di scienze dell'antichità e del vicino Oriente, 1999, xxxi + 127 pp., (Quaderni di Studi Arabi: Studi e testi, 4)
- Gilleard, Chris, "Regeneration, restoration and resurrection: scholastic inquiries into the nature of bodily growth and decay", Palgrave Communications, 2017, 3/24
- Giralt, Sebastià, "Aristoteles imperfectus. Natural Divination, Dream and Prophecy in the Latin Middle Ages (1210–1310)", dins: Fidora, Alexander (ed.), Die mantischen Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter, Colònia - Weimar - Viena: Boehlau Verlag, 2013, pp. 23-59
- Gómez Aranda, Mariano, "Scientific Perspectives on Psalm 148 in Medieval Jewish Exegesis", Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge, 2022, 7, 39-70
- Granger, Gille-Gaston, La théorie aristotélicienne de la science, París: Aubier, 1976, 382 pp.
- Grant, Edward, "De caelo, Commentaries on Aristotle's", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, pp. 247-251
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- Grant, Edward, The Nature of Natural Philosophy in the Late Middle Ages, Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2010, xvi + 355 pp., (Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy, 52)
- Grant, Edward, "Ways to interpret the terms "Aristotelian" and "Aristotelianism" in medieval and Renaissance natural philosophy", History of Science, 1987, 25, 335-358
- Grau Torras, Sergi, "Algunes teories de la Física d'Aristòtil aplicades a la medicina d'Arnau de Vilanova", Medievalia, 2015, 18/1, 189-197
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- Gravel, Pierre, "Aristote: sur le vin, le sexe, la folie, le génie. Mélancolie", Études françaises, 1982, 18/1, 129-145
- Grmek, Mirko Drazen, La première révolution biologique: réflexions sur la physiologie et la médecine du XVIIe siècle, París: Payot, 1990, 359 pp., (Bibliothèque Scientifique Payot)
- Guidi, Angela, "Abraham ibn Ezra", dins: Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.), Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy: Philosophy between 500 and 1500, Heidelberg: Springer, 2010, p. 483
- Gutas, Dimitri, Avicenna and the Aristotelian tradition: introduction to reading Avicenna's philosophical works, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1988, xiii + 341 pp.
- Higuera Rubio, José, "La metáfora 'sigillum' en el pensamiento luliano: psicología del conocimiento y filosofía de la naturaleza", Ámbitos, 2014, 31 [=La obra de Ramon Llull y su recepción en la historia, ed. R. Ramis Barceló], 15-24
- Howard Bloch, R., "Eneas before the Walls of Carthage: The Beginnings of the City and Romance in the Suburbs", French Literature Series, 2002, 29 [=Beginnings in French Literature, ed. Freeman G. Henry], 1-27
- Hunt, Tony - Rapisarda, Stefano (eds.), Anglo-Norman Chiromancies, París: Classiques Garnier, 2020, 103 pp, (Literary Texts of the Middle Ages, 57)
- Ivry, Alfred L., Averroës: Middle Commentary on Aristotle's De anima. A Critical Edition of the Arabic Text with English Translation, Notes, and Introduction, Provo: Brigham YoungUniversity Press, 2002, xxxi + 285 pp., (Graeco-Arabic sciences and philosophy)
- Jacquart, Danielle, "Aristotelian thought in Salerno", dins: Dronke, Peter (ed.), A History of Twelfth-Century Western Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp. 407-428
- Janssens, Jules, "The Physics of the Avicenna Latinus and its significance for the reception of Aristotle's Physics in the West", dins: Oppenraay, Aafke-Fontaine, Resianne, The Letter before the Spirit: The Importance of Text Editions for the Study of the Reception of Aristotle, Leiden: Brill, 2012, pp. 311-330
- Kahana-Smilansky, Hagar, "Aristotle on Sleep and Wakefulness: a medieval Hebrew adaptation of an unknown Latin treatise", Aleph, 2010, 10/1, 66-118
- Kaye, Joel, Economy and Nature in the Fourteenth Century: money, market exchange and the emergence of scientific thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, x + 273 pp., (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th ser., 35)
- Keyser, Paul T. - Scarborough, John (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World, Oxford - Nova York: Oxford University Press, 2018, xv + 1.045 pp.
- Klein-Braslavy, Sara, "Gersonides' use of Aristotle's Meteorology in his accounts of some biblical miracles", Aleph, 2010, 10/2, 240-313
- Klein-Franke, Felix, "The knowledge of Aristotle's lapidary during the Latin Middle Ages", Ambix, 1970, 17, 137-142
- Korobili, Giouli - Lo Presti, Roberto (eds.), Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021, xxii + 480 pp., (Topics in Ancient Philosophy, 9)
- Kraye, Jill - Ryan, W. F. - Schmitt, C. B. (eds.), Pseudo-Aristotle in the Middle Ages: The Theology and Other Texts, Londres: The Warburg Institute - University of London, 1986, 295 pp., (Warburg Institute surveys and texts, 11)
- Kraye, Jill, "Pseudo-Aristotle", dins: Glick, Thomas F. - Livesey, Steven John - Wallis, Faith (eds.), Medieval Science, Technology, and Medicine: An Encyclopedia, Nova York - Londres: Routledge, 2005, pp. 423-425
- Labarrière, Jean-Louis, "Aristote, penseur de la différence entre l'homme et l'animal", Antropozoologica, 2001, 33-34, 105-112
- Lacombe, George, Aristoteles Latinus, codices descripsit — in societatem operis adsumptis A. Birkenmajer, M. Dulong, Aet. Franceschini, Roma - Cambridge: La Libreria dello stato - Cambridge University Press, 1939-1955, 2 vols., (Corpus philosophorum Medii Aevi)
- Lazaris, Stavros, "L'image paradigmatique: des Schémas anatomiques d'Aristote au De materia medica de Dioscoride", Pallas, 2013, 93, 131-164
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