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Matèria: Anglès
- Ahmed, Anne (ed.), A Proper Newe Booke of Cokerye: Margaret Parker's Cookery Book, Cambridge: Corpus Christi College, 2002, 112 pp
- Ahvensalmi, Juulia Kirsikka, Reading the Manuscript Page: The Use of Supra-textual Devices in the Middle English Trotula-Manuscripts, : Tesi doctoral de la University of Glasgow, 2013
- Alonso-Almeida, Fancisco, "A middle english text on phlebotomy", Revista canaria de estudios ingleses, 2020, 80, 29-49
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco - Cabrera Abreu, Mercedes, "The formulation of promise in medieval English medical recipes: a relevance-theoretic approach", Neophilologus, 2002, 86, 137-154
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "'Compiled rather for those which are to vse it, then for the learned': the concept of audience in fifteenth and sixteenth century texts on medicine", dins: Cifuentes Honrubia, J. L. - Gómez González-Jover, A. - Lillo Buades, A. - Mateo Martínez, J. - Yus Ramos, F. (eds.), Los caminos de la lengua: estudios en homenaje a Enrique Alcaraz Varó, Alacant: Universitat d' Alacant, 2010, pp. 40-49
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "All gathered together: on the construction of scientific and technical books in 15th century England", IJES, International Journal of English Studies, 2005, 5/2 [=Editing Middle English in the 21st century: old texts, new approaches], 1-26
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "El término "agua" en los textos médicos medievales ingleses (s. XV): análisis de corpus textual", Cuadernos del CEMYR, 2010, 18, 11-38
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "Estudio comparativo de los textos receta en español medieval y en inglés medieval", dins: Santana Henríquez, Germán - Santana Sanjurjo, Victoriano (coord.), Studia humanitatis in honorem Antonio Cabrera Perera, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2002, pp. 649-676
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "Finding-information aids in medieval English medical manuscripts: the cases of MS Hunter 117 and MS Hunter 185", dins: Bringas López, Ana María - González Alvarez, Dolores - Pérez Guerra, Javier - Rama Martínez, Esperanza - Varela Bravo, Eduardo (eds.), Woonderous Aenglissce: SELIM Studies in Medieval English Language, Vigo: Universidade de Vigo, 1999, pp. 21-32
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "Oral traces and speech acts in a corpus of medieval English healing charms", ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, 2010, 23/1, 6-14
- Alonso Almeida, Francisco, "The pragmatics of and-conjunctives in Middle English medical recipes: a relevance theory description", Journal of Historical Pragmatics, 2008, 9/2, 171-199
- Anthimus, De observatione ciborum: On the Observance of Foods, Grant, Mark (ed.), Blackawton - Totnes - Devon: Prospect Books, 1996, 142 pp.
- Anthimus, How To Cook an Early French Peacock: De Observatione Ciborum. Roman Food for a Frankish King, translated by Jim Chevalier, Kindle Edition: Chez Jim Books (Amazon Digital Services), 2012, 215 KB
- Anthimus, On the Observance of Foods (De obseruatione ciborum), edited and translated by Mark Grant, Blackawton, Totnes (Devon, UK): Prospect Books, 1996, 142 pp.
- Arderne, John, Treatises of Fistula in Ano, Haemorrhoids, and Clysters, by —, from an early fifteenth-century manuscript translation, edited, with introduction, notes, etc., by D'Arcy Power, Londres - Oxford - Nova York: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. - Henry Frowde, for the Early English Text Society, 1910, xxxvii + 156 pp., (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 139)
- Aristotle [pseudo], The secrete of secretes of Arystotle, Londres: Robert Copland, 1528, [72] pp.
- Arnott, Robert (ed.), The archaeology of medicine: papers given at a session of the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group held at the University of Birmingham on 20 December 1998, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2002, v + 128 pp., il., (BAR International series, 1046)
- Arsdall, Anne Van - Klug, Helmut W. - Blanz, Paul, "The mandrake plant its legend", dins: Bierbaumer, Peter - Klug, Helmut W. (eds.), Old Names - New Growth: Proceedings of the 2nd ASPNS Conference, University of Graz, 6-10 June 2007, and Related Essays, Frankfurt - Nova York: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 285-346
- Asplund, Annika, A Middle English Version of Lanfranc’s «Chirurgia parva»: The Surgical Part, Estocolm: Stockholm University, 1970, 217 ff., (Stockholm Theses in English, 2)
- Austin, Thomas (ed.), Two fifteenth-century cookery-books: Harleian MS. 279 (ab 1430), & Harl. MS 4016 (ab. 1450), with extracts from Ashmole MS. 1439, Laud MS. 553, & Douce MS. 55, Londres: Oxford University Press, 1888 [reimpr. 1964]
- Avicenna (Abū ʻAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā), The Canon of medicine (al-Qānūn fī-l-ṭibb), adapted by Laleh Bakhtiar from translations of vol. I by O. Cameron Gruner and Mazar H. Shah, correlated with the Arabic by Jay R. Crook with notes by O. Cameron Gruner, Chicago: Kazi Publiations, 1999-2014, 5 vols., (Great Books of the Islamic World)
- Bain, D. C., "A note on an English manuscript receipt book", Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 1940, 8, 1246-1248
- Banham, Debby, "A millennium in medicine? New medical texts and ideas in England in the eleventh century", dins: Keynes, Simon - Smyth, Alfred P. (eds), Anglo-Saxons: Studies presented to Cyril Roy Hart, Dublín: Four Courts Press, 2006, pp. 230-242
- Banham, Debby, "Arestolobius, the Patriarch of Jerusalem and bark that comes from Paradise: What did the Orient mean to the compilers of Old English medical collections?", dins: Sari, Nil - Bayat, Ali Haydar - Ülman, Yesim - Isin, Mary (eds.), 38. Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi bildiri kitabı, 1-6 Eylül 2002 = Proceedings of the 38th International Congress on the History of Medicine, 1-6 September 2002 = Actes du 38ème Congrès international d'histoire de la médecine, 1-6 septembre 2002, Ankara: International Society for the History of Medicine, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 459-468
- Banham, Debby, Food and Drink in Anglo-Saxon England: Revealing History, Stroud (Gloucestershire): Tempus, 2004, 104 pp., il.
- Banham, Debby, "Investigating the Anglo-Saxon materia medica: Latin, Old English and archaeobotany", dins: Arnott, Robert (ed.), The archaeology of medicine: Papers given at a session of the annual conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group held at the University of Birmingham on 20 December 1998, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2002, pp. 95-99
- Banham, Debby, "The earliest English culinary recipes: dietary advice in Old English medical texts", Journal of Medieval History, 2023, [= Meanings of Food in Medieval Britain and Ireland, Christopher M. Woolgar, ed.] 49/5, 711-724
- Barnhouse, Lucy, "Languages of Experience: Translating Medicine in MS Laud Misc. 237.", dins: Connelly, Erin - Künzel, Stefanie (eds.), New Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Medicine in Medieval, Oxford: Archaeopress, 2018, pp. 94-108
- Barratt, Alexandra (ed.), The Knowing of Woman's Kind in Childing: A Middle English Version of Material Derived from the Trotula and Other Sources, Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, xii + 169 pp., (Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts, 4)
- Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Properties of Things: John Trevisa's Translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus De propietatibus rerum. A critical text, editors: M. C. Seymour et al., Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975 - 1988, 3 vols. (xix + 1397 + 332 pp.)
- Beal, Peter, A Dictionary of English Manuscript Terminology (1450 to 2000), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008, 457 pp.
- Beijer, Manon de, The Necromantic Magic Circle. A Study of the Different Elements that Comprise a Magic Circle and their Functions, Nijmegen: Tesi de màster, Radboud Universiteit, 2017, 112 pp.
- Bennett, H. S., "Science and information in English writings of the fifteenth century", Modern Language Review, 1944, 39, 1-8
- Benvenutus Grassus, The wonderful art of the eye: a critical edition of the Middle English translation of his De probatissima arte oculorum, edited by L.M. Eldredge, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1996, 350 pp., (Medieval texts and studies, 19)
- Bierbaumer, Peter - Klug, Helmut W. (eds.), Old Names – New Growth: Proceedings of the 2nd ASPNS Conference (University of Graz, Austria, 6-10 June 2007), and Related Essays, Frankfurt am Main - Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009, 358 pp.
- Bin Sīnā, al-Shaikh al-Raʾīs Abū ʻAlī al-Ḥusain bin ʻAbdullāh, Al-Qānūn fi'l-ṭibb: [English translation of the critical Arabic text], Nova Delhi: Jamia Hamdard: Deptt. [sic] of Islamic Studies, 1993-2002, 5? vols.
- Bitterling, Klaus, "Chaucer und die Sprache der Wissenschaften: Vorbemerkung für Nicht-Anglisten", Sudhoffs Archiv, 1999, 83/1, 1-21
- Blades, William (ed.), The Gouernayle of Helthe, with The Medecyne of ye Stomacke, reprinted from Caxton's edition (circa M.CCCC.XCI.), with introductory remarks and notes by —, Londres: Blades, East & Blades, 1858, viii + 110 pp.
- Bornstein, Diane, "Military Manuals in Fifteenth-Century England", Mediaeval Studies, 1975, 37, 469-477
- Bos, Gerrit, The Medical Works of Moses Maimonides: New English Translations based on the Critical Editions of the Arabic Manuscripts, Leiden: Brill, 2022, 675 p.
- Boucher, Caroline - Dumas, Geneviève, "Traductions et compilations médicales: une coïncidence obligée?", Early Science and Medicine, 2012, 17/3, 273-308
- Braekman, Willi L. (ed.), Geoffrey of Franconia's Book of Trees and Wine, Brussel·les: University Faculties St Aloysius (UFSAL) - Omirel, 1989, 119 pp., (Scripta: Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 24)
- Braekman, Willi L. (ed.), Of Hawks and Horses: Four Late Middle English Prose Treatises, Brussel·les: University Faculties St Aloysius (UFSAL) - Omirel, 1986, 116 pp., (Scripta: Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 16)
- Braekman, Willi L. (ed.), The treatise on angling in the Boke of St. Albans (1496): background, context and text of The treatyse of fysshynge wyth an angle, Brussel·les: University Faculties St Aloysius (UFSAL) - Omirel, 1980, 90 pp., (Scripta: Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1)
- Braekman, Willi L., Studies on Alchemy, Diet, Medecine [sic] and Prognostication in Middle English, Brussel·les: University Faculties St Aloysius (UFSAL) - Omirel, 1986, 143 pp., (Scripta: Mediaeval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 22)
- Braekman, Willi L., "The alchemical waters of Saint Giles", dins: Braekman, Willi L., Studies on Alchemy, Diet, Medecine [sic] and Prognostication in Middle English, Brussel·les: University Faculties St Aloysius (UFSAL) - Omirel, 1986, pp. 26-37
- Braekman, Willy L., "Bollard’s Middle English Book of Planting and Grafting and its Background", Studia Neophilologica, 1985, 57, 19-39
- Braswell, Laurel, "Utilitarian and scientific prose", dins: Edwards, A. S. G. (ed.), Middle English Prose: A Critical Guide to Major Authors and Genres, New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1984, pp. 337-387
- Bremmer, Rolf H . - Chardonnens, László Sándor, "Old English Prognostics: Between the Moon and the Monstrous", dins: Olsen, K. E. - Houwen, L. A. J. R. (eds.), Monsters and the Monstrous in Medieval Northwest Europe, Lovaina: Peeters, 2001, pp.153-166
- Brennessel, Barbara - Drout, Michael D. C. - Gravel, Robyn, "A reassessment of the efficacy of Anglo-Saxon medicine", Anglo-Saxon England, 2005, 34, 183-195
- Brodin, Gösta (ed.), Agnus Castus: A Middle English Herbal, reconstructed from various manuscripts; edited with introduction, notes, and glossary, Uppsala - Copenhagen -Cambridge (Mass.): Lundequist - Munksgaard - Harvard University Press, 1950, 328 pp., (Essays and studies on English language and literature, 6)
- Brown, Alfred, "John Arderne, surgeon of early England", Annals of Medical History, 1928, 10, 402-408
- Brown, Carleton, A Register of Middle English Religious & Didactic Verse, Oxford: Bibliographical Society, 1916 - 1920, 2 vols.
- Brown, Peter (ed.), A companion to Chaucer, Oxford: Blackwell, 2000, xvii + 515 pp., (Blackwell companions to literature and culture)
- Bülbring, Karl D., "Sidrac in England", dins: Beiträge zur romanischen und englischen Philologie: Festgabe für W. Foerster zum 26 Oktober, 1901 (überreicht von Freunden und Schülern), Halle: Niemeyer, 1902, pp. 444-478
- Burnett, Charles, "The Geometry of the Liber Ysagogarum Alchorismi", Sudhoffs Archiv, 2013, 97/2, 143-173
- Burrow, John A., Medieval Writers and Their Work: Middle English Literature and Its Background (1100-1500), Oxford - Nova York: Oxford University Press, 1982, 148 pp.
- Burton, Tom L. (ed.), Sidrak and Bokkus: a parallel-text edition from Bodleian Library, MS Laud Misc. 559 and British Library, MS Lansdowne 793, with the assistance of Frank Schaer, Bernadette Masters, Sabina Flanagan et alii, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998-1999, 2 vols., xcv + 941 pp., (Early English Text Society / Original series, 311-312)
- Butterfield, Anne, "Fuzziness and Perceptions of Language in the Middle Ages. Part One. Explosive Fuzziness: The Duel", Common Knowledge, 2012, 18/2, 255-266
- Butterfield, Anne, "Fuzziness and Perceptions of Language in the Middle Ages. Part Three. Translating Fuzziness: Countertexts", Common Knowledge, 2013, 19/3, 446-473
- Butterfield, Anne, "Fuzziness and Perceptions of Language in the Middle Ages. Part Two. Collective Fuzziness: Three Treaties and a Funeral", Common Knowledge, 2013, 19/1, 51-64
- Cabanillas, Isabel de la Cruz, A Collection of sundrie approved Receipts. Study and Edition of Glasgow University Library, Ferguson MS 43, Alcalá de Henares: Universidad de Alcalá, 2023, 141 pp.
- Calvo García de Leonardo, Juan José, "«What diligence ought to be vsed, that children male and not female, may be borne»: medieval eugenics in Richard Carew's relayed version of Juan Huarte de San Juan", dins: Bellmunt Serrano, Manel - Mahiques Climent, Joan (eds.), Literature, Science & Religion: Textual Transmission and Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Kassel: Reichenberger, 2020, pp. 83-102
- Cameron, Malcolm L., "Anglo-Saxon medicine and magic", Anglo-Saxon England, 1988, 17, 191-215
- Cameron, Malcolm L., "Bald's Leechbook: its sources and their use in its compilation", Anglo-Saxon England, 1983, 12, 153-182
- Cameron, Malcolm L., "The sources of medical knowledge in Anglo-Saxon England", Anglo-Saxon England, 1982, 11, 135-185
- Cameron, Malcom L., Anglo-Saxon Medicine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, 224 pp., (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 7)
- Careri, Maria, "Plurilinguismo (latino, francese, inglese) in manoscritti di medici e maestri inglesi del XII secolo", Filologia mediolatina: rivista della Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, 2012, 19, 97-105
- Carrillo Linares, María José, "Difusión del conocimiento médico a través de la lenguas vernáculas en la Inglaterra bajomedieval: una aproximación dialectológica", Cuadernos del CEMyR, 2018, 26, 203-227
- Carrillo Linares, María José, "Middle English Antidotarium Nicholai: evidence for linguistic distribution and dissemiantion in the vernacular", IJES, International Journal of English Studies, 2005, 5/2 [=Editing Middle English in the 21st century: old texts, new approaches], 71-92
- Carroll, Ruth, "The Middle English recipe as a text-type", Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 1999, 100/1, 27-42
- Carruthers, Léo, L'anglais médiéval: introduction, textes commentés et traduits, Turnhout: Brepols, 1996, 256 pp., (L'atelier du médiéviste, 4)
- Cavell, Megan, "Powerful patens in the Anglo-Saxon medical tradition and Exeter book Riddle 48", Neophilologus, 2017, 101/1, 129-138
- Chardonnens, László Sándor - Carella, Bryan (eds.), Secular Learning in Anglo-Saxon England: Exploring the Vernacular, Amsterdam - Nova York: Rodopi, 2012, xxvi + 246 pp., (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik, 69)
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, Anglo-Saxon Prognostics (900-1100): Study and Texts, Leiden - Boston: Brill, 2007, xiv + 605 pp., (Brill's studies in intellectual history, 153 / Brill's texts and sources in intellectual history, 3)
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "Ælfric and the Authorship of the Old English De diebus malis", dins: Giliberto, Concetta - Teresi, Loredana (eds.), Limits to Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Lovaina - París - Walpole: Peeters, 2013, pp. 123-153
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "An arithmetical crux in the woden passage in the old english Nine Herbs Charm", Neophilologus, 2009, 93, 691-702
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "Appropriating Prognostics in Late Anglo-Saxon England: a Preliminary Source Study", dins: Bremmer, Rolf H. - Dekker, Kees (eds.), Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Lovaina - París - Walpole: Peeters, 2010, pp. 203-255
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "Context, Language, Date and Origin of Anglo-Saxon Prognostics", dins: Bremmer, Rolf H. - Dekker, Kees (eds.), Practice in Learning: The Transfer of Encyclopaedic Knowledge in the Early Middle Ages, Lovaina: Peeters, 2007, pp. 317-340
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "Mantic alphabets in late medieval England, early modern Europe, and modern America: The reception and afterlife of a medieval form of dream divination", Anglia, 2014, 132/4, 641-675
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, "The Old English Alphabet Prognostic as a Prototype forMantic Alphabets", dins: Chardonnens, László Sándor - Carella, Bryan (eds.), Secular Learning in Anglo-Saxon England: Exploring the Vernacular, Amsterdam - Nova York: Rodopi, 2012, pp. 223-238
- Chardonnens, László Sándor, ""Thes byne the knoyng off dremys": Mantic alphabets in late medieval English", Anglia, 2014, 132/3, 473-505
- Chaucer, Geoffrey, A Treatise on The Astrolabe, addressed to his son Lowys, ed. Walter W. Skeat, Londres: N. Trübner & Co, 1872
- Chaucer, Geoffrey, The complete works of Geoffrey Chaucer, F.N. Robinson, Londres: Oxford University Press, 1957, xliv + 1002
- Chauliac, Guy de, A Middle English Version of the Introduction to Guy de Chauliac's Chirurgia Magna, [ed. by] Björn Wallner from the MSS., Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1970, xix + 52 pp., (Acta Universitatis Lundensis, sectio 1: Theologica, juridica, humaniora, 12)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Cyrurgie of Guy de Chauliac, ed. by Margaret S. Ogden, Londres: Oxford University Press, 1971, vol. 1 (Text), xiii + 639 pp., (Early English Text Society, 265)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Anatomy, with Guy's Essay on the History of Medicine, edited by Björn Wallner, Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1964, xxxvi + 250 pp., (Acta Universitatis Lundensis, n.s. / Lund universitets årsskrift, n. f., avd. 1, bd. 56, nr. 5)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Apostemes (Book 2 of The Great Surgery). Edited from MS New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS, by Björn Wallner, Lund: Lund University Press, 1988-1989, 2 vols., (Skrifter utgivna av Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund, 80-82)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations (Book 5 of The Great Surgery). Edited from MS New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS, [by] Björn Wallner, Lund: C.W.K. Gleerup, 1969, xxi + 76 pp., (Acta Universitatis Lundensis, sectio 1: Theologica juridica humaniora, 11)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Ulcers (Book 4 of The Great Surgery). Edited from MS New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS, [by] Björn Wallner, Estocolm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1982-1984, 2 vols. (viii + 127 - 48 pp.), (Acta Universitatis Lundensis. Sectio I, Theologica, juridica, humaniora; 39-44)
- Chauliac, Guy de, The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Wounds (Book 3 of The Great Surgery). Edited from MS New York Academy of Medicine 12 and related MSS, [by] Björn Wallner, Lund - Estocolm: C.W.K. Gleerup - Alnqvist & Wiksell, 1976 - 1979, 2 vols. (154 + 114 pp.), (Acta Universitatis Lundensis: Sectio I, theologica, juridica, humaniora; 23 - 28)
- Clayton, Mary, The Apocryphal Gospels of Mary in Anglo-Saxon England, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998, xi + 355 pp., (Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England, 26)
- Cockayne, Thomas Oswald, Leechdoms Wortcunning, and Starcraft of Early England Being a Collection of Documents, for the Most Part Never Before Printed Illustrating the History of Science in this Country Before the Norman Conquest, collected and edited by —, Londres: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts, and Green, 1864-1866, 3 vols., (Rerum Britannicarum Medii Ævi Scriptores (Rolls Series), 35)
- Colafrancesco, Sonia (ed.), La Capsula eburnea nella tradizione inglese medievale, Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2023, 232 pp., (Magia e medicina: testi, linguaggi, tradizioni, 1)
- Columel·la, Luci Juni, On Agriculture, Londres, Heinemann - Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University Press: 1941-1955, 3 vols., (Loeb classical library, 361, 407, 408)
- Connelly, Erin, "“My Written Books of Surgery in the Englishe Tonge”: The London Company of Barber-Surgeons and the Lylye of Medicynes", Manuscript Studies:, 2017, 2/2, 369-391
- Connelly, Erin, "«My written books of surgery in the Englishe tonge»: the London Company of Barber-Surgeons and the Lylye of Medicynes", Manuscript Studies, 2017, 2/2, 369-391
- Crespo, Begoña - Moskowich, Isabel, "Latin forms in vernacular scientific writing: Code-switching or borrowing?", dins: McConchie, R. W. - Timofeeva, Olga - Tissari, Heli - Säily, Tanja (eds), Selected Proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on New Approaches in English Historical Lexis (HEL-LEX), Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 2006, pp. 51-59
- Criado-Peña, Miriam, "'Probatum est'. The Medical Recipes in London, Wellcome Library, MS 3009", Nordic Journal of English Studies 20(1):258-277, 2021, 20/1, 258-277
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la - Diego Rodríguez, Irene, "Abbreviations in medieval medical manuscripts", Selim, 2018, 23, 163-184
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la - Diego Rodríguez, Irene, "Astrological medicine in Middle English: the case of Þe Booke of Ypocras", dins: Esteve Ramos, María José - Prado Pérez, José Ramón (ed.), Textual Reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne:: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, pp. 79-99
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la - Diego Rodríguez, Irene, "Chemical vocabulary in Middle English medical manuscripts", Revista de lenguas para fines específicos, 2021, 27/1, 23-36
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la - Diego Rodríguez, Irene, "The Capsula eburnea in several Middle English witnesses", Token, 2021, 13/5-26
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la - Serrano Larráyoz, Fernando, "«For þe goute a good medicyne» / «Otra recepta para la gota»: análisis contrastivo de recetas inglesas y castellanas bajomedievales", Memorabilia, 2017, 19, 1-16
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "A medicine for the vanity in the head", SELIM, 2015-2016, 21, 157-166
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Early modern English recipes as a miror of the time period", Studia Neofilologiczne, 2020, 16, 47-60
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Editing the medical recipes in the Glasgow University Library Ferguson Collection", dins: Boot, Peter - Cappellotto, Anna - Dillen, Wout - Fischer, Franz - Kelly, Aodhán - Mertgens, Andreas - Sichani, Anna-Maria - Spadini, Elena - Hulle, Dirk van (eds.), Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing: Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp, Leiden: Sidestone Press, 2017, pp. 115-119
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Foreign Ingredients in Early and Late Modern English Recipes", dins: Taavitsainen, Irma - Hiltunen, Turo - Smith, Jeremy J. - Suhr, Carla (eds.), Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500–1820: Sociocultural Contexts of Production and Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, pp. 150-166
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Genre and text-type conventions in early modern English women's recipe books", Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas, 2017, 12, 13-21
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Mapping the language of Glasgow University Library manuscript Ferguson 147", dins: Esteve Ramos, María José - Prado-Pérez, José Ramón (eds.), Textual Reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, pp. 51-78
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Mapping the language of Manuscript GUL Ferguson 147", dins: Esteve Ramos, María José - Prado-Pérez, José Ramón (eds.), Textual Reception and Cultural Debate in Medieval English Studies, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2018, pp. 79-99
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Mary Harrison's recipe book: women and household medicine in late 17th century", Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 2016, 72/1, 79-95
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "Medical recipes in Glasgow University Library manuscript Ferguson 147", dins: Fisiak, Jacek - Bator, Magdalena - Sylwanowicz, Marta (eds.), Essays and Studies in Middle English: 9th International Conference on Middle English, Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, 2015, Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 77-94
- Cruz Cabanillas, Isabel de la, "The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7", Sederi, 2020, 30, 29-46
- Curth, Louise Hill, English Almanacs: Astrology and Popular Medicine (1550-1700), Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007, 283 pp., il.
- Cylkowski, David G., "A Middle English treatise on horticulture: Godfridus super Palladium", dins: Matheson, Lister M. (ed.), Popular and Practical Science of Medieval England, East Lansing: Michigan State University Press: Colleagues Press, 1994, pp. 301-329
- D'Aronco, Maria Amalia, "The edition of the Old English Herbal and Medicina de quadrupedibus: two case studies", dins: Bierbaumer, Peter - Klug, Helmut W. (eds.), Old Names – New Growth: Proceedings of the 2nd ASPNS Conference (University of Graz, Austria, 6-10 June 2007), and Related Essays, Frankfurt am Main - Oxford: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 35-56
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