Darrera modificació: 2018-03-28 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Arnau
Wallis, Faith, Medieval Medicine: A Reader, Toronto, University of Toronto Press (Readings in Medieval Civilizations and Cultures), 2010, xxvii + 563 pp., il.
- Resum
- Medical knowledge and practice changed profoundly during the medieval period. In this collection of over 100 primary sources, many translated for the first time, Faith Wallis reveals the dynamic world of medicine in the Middle Ages that has been largely unavailable to students and scholars. The Reader includes 21 illustrations and a glossary of medical terms. Faith Wallis is Associate Professor, Department of History/Department of Social Studies of Medicine at McGill University.
Table of Contents:
Part 1. Medicina: Healers and Healing in Early Medieval Europe (500-1100)
Chapter 1. The Fragmented Heritage of Ancient Medicine
I. The Alexandrian Curriculum in Latin Dress
1. Isidore of Seville: the Canon of Medicine
2. The Old Latin Commentary on the Aphorisms of Hippocrates
3. Teaching the Alexandrian Curriculum in Ostrogothic Italy: Agnellus of Ravenna's Commentary on Galen's On Sects
4. An Early Medieval Summary of Medical Theory: Wisdom of the Art of Medicine
II. Medical Practices in a Changing World
5. An Encyclopedia of Practical Medicine from the Age of Justinian: Alexander of Tralles
6. Galen Enlarged for Practice: pseudo-Galen, Liber tertius on Pneumonia and Pleurisy
7. Echoes of Methodism: "Aurelius" on Rabies
8. Medical Self-Help for the Gentleman Traveler: the Medicine and Natural Remedies of "Pliny"
9. A Late Antique Estate-Holder's Manual of Home Remedies
10. The Doctor as Connoisseur of Pulses and Urines
11. Prognosis and Prophecy: The Ivory Casket and the Signs of Impending Death
Chapter 2. Christianity, Disease, and Medicine
I. Saints as Healers
12. A Sixth-Century Byzantine Saint Dispenses Medical Advice: Theodore of Sykeon
13. The Medical World of Gregory of Tours: Plagues, Doctors, and Saints
14. A Reluctant Bishop-Healer: John of Beverley
15. A Carolingian Therapeutic Passion of Saints Cosmas and Damian
II. Rituals of Healing
16. St Sigismund, Patron of Sufferers from Fever
17. "Prayers to the Earth and all Herbs"
Chapter 3. Medicine in Early Medieval Courts and Cloisters
I. The Doctor at Court
18. The Court Physician in Ostrogothic Italy
19. Dietary Advice for a Merovingian King
20. Alcuin on the Doctors at Charlemagne's Court
II. Monastic Medicine in the Early Medieval West
21. The Care of the Sick at the Monastery of Vivarium
22. Medical Injunctions in the Rule of St Benedict
23. A Monastic Defense of Medicine against Rigorist Critics: the Lorsch Leechbook
24. The Plan of St Gall: Medical Facilities within an Ideal Monastery
25. Medicine, Morality, and Meditation in a Monastic Herb-Garden: Walahfrid Strabo's The Little Garden
III. The Medical Networks of Missionaries and Bishops
26. Medical Networks of Eighth-Century Anglo-Saxon Missionaries
27. Bishop Pardulus of Laon dispenses Medical Advice
28. Elias of Jerusalem sends a Prescription to King Alfred of Wessex
29. Letters of Medical Advice from Bishop Fulbert of Chartres and his Circle
Chapter 4. A Regional Case Study: Medicine in Anglo-Saxon England
30. Bald's Leechbook and Leechbook III
Part 2. Physica: The Advent and Impact of Academic Medicine (1100-1500)
Chapter 5. Salerno: Medicine's "Theoretical Turn" and the Rationalization of Practice
31. Tenth-Century Medicine: The Testimony of Richer of Rheims
32. Constantine the African: The Romance of Translating Arabic Medicine
33. Medical Theory and the Formation of the Articella (1): The Isagoge of Joannitius
34. Medical Theory and the Formation of the Articella (2): Bartholomaeus of Salerno Comments on the Isagoge
35. Salernitan Anatomy: The Second Salernitan Demonstration.
36. The Practice of Pharmacy Rationalized: Circa Instans, the Antidotarium Nicolai, and its Commentary
37. The Practice of Therapeutics Rationalized: The Practice of Medicine by Bartholomaeus of Salerno
38. The Practice of Surgery Rationalized: The Surgery of Roger Frugard
39. The Salernitan Tradition of Gynecology: The Trotula
Chapter 6. Via scolaris: Medicine in the University
I. Faculties and Curricula
40. From Philosophy to Physic: Paris from the Late Twelfth Century to the Late Thirteenth Century
41. Montpellier and the "New Galen"
42. The "University of Arts and Medicine" at Bologna
II. Medical Scholasticism in Action: Authoritative Texts and Academic Commentaries
43. Is Medicine a Science? (1) Avicenna and his Commentator Gentile of Foligno
44. Is Medicine a Science? (2) Arnau of Vilanova Argues that Medicine Transcends Theory
45. Is Medicine a Science? (3) Henri of Mondeville on Progress in Medicine
46. The Scholastic quaestio: Aristotle vs Galen on the Generation of the Embryo
47. Academic Dissection as "Material Commentary" (1): Mondino de'Liuzzi
48. Academic Dissection as "Material Commentary" (3:) Anatomical Illustration
49. Scholastic Medicine Popularized: Bartholomaeus Anglicus
Chapter 7. Theory and Practice in Scholastic Medicine
50. Signs and Diagnosis (1): Gilles of Corbeil on Urines
51. Signs and Diagnosis (2): Epitome on Pulses
52. Causes: The Case of Epilepsy
53. Scholastic Therapeutics (1): Rhazes, Book for Almansor
54. Scholastic Therapeutics (2) John of Gaddesden on Smallpox
55. Scholastic Pharmacology: Bernard of Gordon
56. A Primer on Bloodletting (1): Lanfranc of Milan
57. A Primer on Bloodletting (2): The "Sign Man"
58. Is Surgery a Science? (1): Lanfranc of Milan Defends the Intellectual Dignity of Surgery
59. Is Surgery a Science? (2): Henri of Mondeville's Defence of the Scientific Credentials of Surgery
60. Is Surgery a Science? (3): Guy of Chauliac's History of Surgery
61. A Surgical Sampler (1): Guy of Chauliac on the Treatment of Wounds
62. A Surgical Sampler (2): Teodorico Borgognoni and the New Surgical Diseases
63. A Surgical Sampler (3): Ophthalmic Surgery
64. A Surgical Sampler (4): Surgical Anesthesia?
Chapter 8. Contested Frontiers of Scholastic Medicine: Medical Astrology and Medical Alchemy
65. Panacea or Problem? (1): The Case for Medical Astrology
66. Panacea or Problem? (2): Jacques Despars's Reservations about Medical Astrology
67. Roger Bacon: Alchemy and the Medical Payoff of "Experimental Science"
68. Bisticius: A Florentine Goldsmith and Medical Alchemist.
Part 3. Medicine and Society (1100-1500)
Chapter 9. What is Disease? What is Illness? Doctors' Dilemmas and the Meaning of Suffering
69. Interpreting Symptoms: The Difficult Case of Leprosy
70. Metaphor and Malignancy: The Difficult Case of Cancer (1): Jean of Tournemire Diagnoses his Daughter's Breast Cancer and Receives Divine Medical Aid
71. Metaphor and Malignancy: The Difficult Case of Cancer (2): Guillaume Boucher Treats a Parisian Lady with Breast Cancer
72. The Enigma of Mental Illness: Hugo van de Goes's Mental Illness, and the Painter's Allegory of Melancholy
73. Prophecy and Healing: the Meaning of Illness According to Hildegard of Bingen
Chapter 10. Who Can Help? Physicians, "Empirics", and the Spectrum of Practitioners
74. Should Clergy and Monks Practice Medicine?
75. The Faculty of Medicine of Paris vs Jacopa Felicie
76. The Faculty of Medicine of Paris vs Jean Domremi
77. Jewish Doctors: The Case of Provence
Chapter 11. What Can They Do? Clinical Encounters in Medieval Europe
78. The Doctor at the Bedside: Precept (1): Archimatthaeus, Visting the Sick
79. The Doctor at the Bedside: Precept (2): Arnau of Vilanova, On the Precautions that Physicians must Observe
80. The Doctor at the Bedside: Practice Illustrated by Guillaume Boucher
81. Tried and True: Medical Experimenta ("Proven Remedies") by Arnau of Vilanova
82. Customized Therapeutics: The Medieval Medical Consilium (1): Abbot Peter the Venerable of Cluny Consults Master Bartholomaeus of Salerno
83. Customized Therapeutics: the Medieval Medical Consilium (2): Gentile of Foligno
84. The Special Challenges of Plague (1): The Report of the Paris Medical Faculty
85. The Special Challenges of Plague (2): Guy of Chauliac on the Black Death
86. The Special Challenges of Plague (3): John of Burgundy
Chapter 12. The Ethics of Medical Care 1: Conscience and the Law
87. Professional Character in the Early Middle Ages: Variations on Hippocratic Themes
88. Ethics of Care in the Early Middle Ages: Christian Reflections
89. Professional Conduct in the Later Middle Ages: From Character to Code
90. Licensing and Accountability (1): Malpractice in Crusader Palestine
91. Licensing and Accountability (2): Legislation Governing Doctors in the Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Sicily
92. Licensing and Accountability (3): Examining and Supervising Practitioners in Valencia
93. John Arderne's Advice on how to determine the Fee, and Other Matters of Medical Etiquette
Chapter 13. The Ethics of Medical Care 2: Hospitals and the Provision of Charity
94. The Organization and Ethos of a Medieval Hospital (1): The Jerusalem Hospital
95. The Organization and Ethos of a Medieval Hospital (2): The Hôtel-Dieu in Paris
96. The Organization and Ethos of a Medieval Hospital (3): A Twelfth-Century English Leper Hospital
97. Medical Care in a Medieval Hospital (1): The Jerusalem Hospital
98. Medical Care in a Medieval Hospital (2): John of Mirfield at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London
Chapter 14. The Cultivation of Health: Lifestyle, Regimen, and the Medical Self
99. Lifestyle Advice for All (1): The Salerno Regimen of Health
100. Lifestyle Advice for All (2): Aldobrandino of Siena on Health throughout the Life Cycle
101. Lifestyle Advice, Customized (1): the Army on Campaign
102. Lifestyle Advice, Customized (2): a Physician of Valencia advises his Sons, who are studying in Toulouse
103. Medicalizing the Table and the Home: the Tacuinum sanitatis
104. Medicalizing Sex: Constantine the African.
Chapter 15. Satires and Critiques of Medicine
105. Dr Galen and Burnel the Ass
106. Petrarch Lashes Out against the Doctors
107. The Doctor as Comic Relief in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament
- Matèries
- Medicina
Antologia Lèxic
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.utppublishing.com/Medieval-Medicine-A-Re ...

* Maud Kozodoy, The Medieval Review, 11.04.07, en accés lliure a http://hdl.handle.net/2022/13205
- http://books.google.com/books?id=V0vfL9CeEA4C
- Conté traduccions de
1. | Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq (c. 809 – 873/877), Isagoge ad Tegni Galieni, Adaptador: Constantí l'Africà (1017 – a. 1098/1099) [anglès], pp. 140-156. Completa. Observacions: A partir de l'ed. de Maurach 1978 | 2. | Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Repetitio super aphorismo Hippocratis «Vita brevis» [anglès], pp. 211-220. Fragmentària. Observacions: Reprodueix la traducció parcial de McVaugh i García Ballester. | 3. | Pseudo-Arnau de Vilanova, Breviarium practice [anglès], pp. 264-265. Fragmentària. Observacions: Capítol 22. | 4. | Pseudo-Arnau de Vilanova, De cautelis medicorum [anglès], pp. 393-396 Observacions: Rreprodueix la traducció de Sigerist. | 5. | Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Experimenta [anglès], pp. 401-405 Observacions: Traducció de Faith Wallis a partir de l'edició parcial de McVaugh (1971), "The Experimenta of Arnald of ..." | 6. | Arnau de Vilanova (c. 1240 – 1311), Regimen Almarie [anglès], pp. 501-503. Completa. Observacions: Traducció de Faith Wallis de McVaugh (1992), "Arnald of Villanova's Regimen ...". |