Darrera modificació: 2015-03-02 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Sylla, Edith D. - Newman, William R. (eds.), Evidence and Interpretation in Studies on Early Science and Medicine: Essays in Honor of John E. Murdoch, Leiden, E. J. Brill, 2009, vi + 456 pp.
- Resum
- The studies in this volume present early science in its rich and divergent complexity. Many historians of the Scientific Revolution have used early modern scholasticism to represent pre-seventeenth century science as a whole, but a close look at ancient, medieval, and even early modern scientific writers shows that before the Scientific Revolution - and not only in Europe - there were many and diverse traditions of interpreting the natural world. This book provides a broad range of historical evidence concerning early science, which may be used as a basis for new and more complex historical interpretations.
* W. R. Newman & E. D. Sylla / Introduction
— Ancient:
* J. De Groot / Modes of explanation in the aristotelian Mechanical problems
* M. Schiefsky / Structures of argument and concepts of force in the aristotelian Mechanical problems
— Islamic/Arabic:
* A. I. Sabra / The simple ontology of Kalâm atomism: an outline
* Kheirandish (2009), "Footprints of «experiment» in ..."
— The Latin Middle Ages:
* McVaugh (2009), "The 'experience-based medicine' ..."
* Y. Raizman-Kedar / The intellect naturalized: Roger Bacon on the existence of corporeal species within the intellect
* Marrone (2009), "Magic and the physical world in ..."
* J.M.M.H. Thijssen / The debate over the nature of motion: John Buridan, Nicole Oresme, and Albert of Saxony. With an edition of John Buridan's Quaestiones super libros physicorum, secundum ultimam lecturam, book III, q. 7
* E. D. Sylla / John Buridan and critical realism
— Late Medieval, Renaissance, and Early Modern:
* W. R. Neuman / The significance of «chymical atomism»
* C. Martin / Conjecture, probabilism, and provisional knowledge in Renaissance meteorology
* M. H. Shank / Setting up Copernicus? Astronomy and natural philosophy in Giambattista Capuano da Manfredonia's Expositio on the Sphere
* A. Goddu / Copernicus's meteorological vision of the Universe
* Qiong Zhang / From «dragonology» to meteorology: aristotelian natural philosophy and the beginning of the decline of the dragon in China
* A. A. Davenport / Baroque fire (a note on early-modern angelology)
* C. Lüthy & A. Smets / Words, lines, diagrams, images: towards a history of scientific imagery
- Matèries
- Història de la ciència
Història de la medicina Filosofia - Filosofia natural Meteorologia
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=210&pid=34635

Publicat també a Early Science and Medicine, 14 (2009)