Darrera modificació: 2011-03-29 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Matheson, Lister M. (ed.), Popular and Practical Science of Medieval England, East Lansing, Michigan State University Press: Colleagues Press (Medieval Texts and Studies, 11), 1994, xiii + 425 pp.
- Resum
- A remarkable collection of Middle English texts that deal with astrology, fortune telling, medicine, horticulture and marine navigation - popular and scientific matters, as such were perceived in the Middle Ages. The texts have been edited by international scholars and much of the work is hitherto unpublished. Each text is prefaced with a description of its general scientific and cultural context. Explanatory notes are also included, together with illustrations and glosses. This volume is aimed at scholars of medieval studies, the history of science and medicine, early English literature and language, manuscripts, technical prose and popular culture.
* The Seven Planets / Brown, Peter · p. 3-21
* A treatise on the elections of times -- Appendix: Bodleian Library, Ms. Digby 67 (extract) / Matheson, Lister M. · p. 23-59
* A translation of Martin of Spain's De Geomancia / Means, Laurel · p. 61-121
* The Golden Table of Pythagoras / Voigts, Linda Ehrsam · p. 123-139
* The Book of Palmistry / Acker, Paul & Amino, Eriko · p. 141-183
* Henry Daniel's Liber Uricrisiarum (excerpt) / Hanna, Ralph III · p. 185-218
* Epilepsy: the falling evil -- Liber De Diversis Medicinis (excerpts): A. Bl Ms. Royal 17.A.Viii -- Translation of Gilbertus Anglicus Compendium Medicinae / Keiser, George R. · p. 219-244
* Diet and bloodletting: monthly regimen -- Appendix: Dates Named as Perilous or Auspicious for Bloodletting in Manuscripts of Diet and Bloodletting And Other Medieval Texts / Mooney, Linne R. · p. 245-261
* A translation of the "Canutus" plague treatise / Pickett, Joseph P. · p. 263-282
* A zodiacal lunary for medical professionals -- Appendix"Off Pe Xij Synys"(extract from Bl Ms. Sloane 3285) / Taavitsainen, Irma · p. 283-300
* Cylkowski (1994), "A Middle English treatise on ..." · p. 301-329
* The earliest English sailing directions -- Appendix List of Place Names / Lester, Godfrey Allen · p. 331-367
- Matèries
- Història de la ciència
Història de la tècnica Traduccions Anglès
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://msupress.msu.edu/bookTemplate.php?bookID=508

Sumari: http://dibi.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/syndetics/index.asp ... 
* María José Carrillo, a Dynamis, 16 (1996), 477-478, en accés lliure a http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Dynamis/article/view/ ... 
* S. Partridge, a Speculum, 74/1 (1999), 211-212.
* C. W. Marx, a The Modern Language Review, 91/2 (1996), 442.
* J. B. Friedman, a Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 97/1 (1998), 107.
- http://www.questiaschool.com/read/14467651
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