Darrera modificació: 2009-11-09 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Long, Pamela O. - McGee, David - Stahl, Alan M. (eds.), The Book of Michael of Rhodes: A Fifteenth-Century Maritime Manuscript, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 2009, 3 vols. (519; xlviii + 679; 370 pp.).
- Resum
- In the fifteenth century, a Venetian mariner, Michael of Rhodes (Michele da Rodi, d. 1445), wrote and illustrated a text describing his experiences in the Venetian merchant and military fleets. He included a treatise on commercial mathematics and treatments of contemporary shipbuilding practices, navigation, calendrical systems, and astrological ideas. This manuscript, "lost," or at least in unknown hands for over 400 years, has never been published or translated in its entirety until now.
Volume 1 is a facsimile of the manuscript, reproduced in full color. The text is written out by hand and beautifully illustrated (probably at least in part by Michael himself), featuring color diagrams and illustrations of naval architecture, original drawings of astrological signs, calendrical charts, and a coat of arms Michael devised for himself.
Volume 2 contains a transcription of the handwritten text in the medieval Venetian dialect of Italian and, on facing pages, its translation into modern English. Michael's book includes the first extant treatise on naval architecture, a 200-page treatise on mathematics in the tradition of medieval and Renaissance abacus manuscripts, texts on navigation including portolans (sailing directions), and Michael's autobiographical service record—unique for Venice in this period and noteworthy for being the personal record of a man of non-noble status and foreign birth.
In volume 3, nine experts, including the editors, discuss the manuscript, its historical context, and its scholarly importance. Their essays examine the Venetian maritime world of the fifteenth century, Michael's life, the discovery of the manuscript, the mathematics in the book, the use of illustration, the navigational directions, Michael's knowledge of shipbuilding in the Venetian context, and the manuscript’s extensive calendrical material.
1: Facsimile / edited by David McGee
2: Transcription and translation / edited by Alan M. Sthal; transcription by Franco Rossi; translation by Alan M. Stahl
3: Studies / edited by Pamela O. Long
* 1. Introduction: The World of Michael of Rhodes, Venetian Mariner / Pamela O. Long · 1
* 2. Michael of Rhodes: Mariner in Service to Venice / Alan M. Stahl · 35
* 3. Michael of Rhodes and His Manuscript / Franco Rossi · 99
* 4. Mathematics in the Manuscript of Michael of Rhodes / Raffaella Franci · 115
* 5. The Use of Visual Images by Michael of Rhodes: Astrology, Christian Faith, and Practical Knowledge / Dieter Blume · 147
* 6. The Portolan of Michael of Rhodes / Piero Falchetta · 193
* 7. The Shipbuilding Text of Michael of Rhodes / David McGee · 211
* 8. Early Shipbuilding Records and the Book of Michael of Rhodes / Mauro Bondioli · 243
* 9. Michael of Rhodes and Time Reckoning: Calendar, Almanac, Prognostication / Faith Wallis · 281
- Matèries
- Tècniques - Nàutica
Tècniques - Mercaderia Aritmètica i geometria Astronomia i astrologia
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor:
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