Darrera modificació: 2009-07-13 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Horchler, Michael, Die Alchemie in der deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters: ein Forschungsbericht über die deutsche alchemistische Fachliteratur des ausgehenden Mittelalters, Baden-Baden, Deutscher Wissenschafts-Verlag (DWV-Schriften zur Medizingeschichte, 2), 2005, 539 pp.
- Resum
- In the history of European science and culture, alchemy is more than merely a forerunner of modern-day chemistry. It developed a wide-ranging interrelational matrix with other arts and sciences of the Middle Ages and with fictional literature. Nevertheless, research into alchemy, and particularly research into its specialist literature as the receptacle of alchemical knowledge, is still in its infancy. This is the starting point for the present work, which aims to make a contribution towards systematic researching of medieval alchemy in the areas covered by German civilization and culture. A short outline of alchemy’s history and essential tenets is followed by a comprehensive treatment of alchemy’s technical terms, as the specialist vocabulary of the art, with due coverage of the alchemists’ socio-ethical behaviour. The German alchemical specialist literature of the Middle Ages is discussed in great detail. It is divided into two major groups of texts: Latin publications translated into German, and genuine German-language alchemical writings for which no direct originals can be determined, or which, as in most cases, were created as compilations of Latin alchemical writings. In addition, interlinkages are highlighted between medieval alchemy and other fields of knowledge, such as medicine (iatrochemistry). This work is then rounded off with an examination of different points of view, including the relationships between alchemy and the teachings of Paracelsus, and the concomitant transition from medieval alchemy to modern-style chemistry. This is complemented by a description of the relationship between alchemy and German medieval poetry, corroborated by appropriate examples. The work concludes with a first edition of three short specialist alchemical texts, supplemented by a systematic listing of the medieval German alchemical writings that have come down to us.
Dr. Michael Horchler, born in Weinheim, Germany, in 1971, read German, business management and media and communication studies at Mannheim University. After being awarded his master’s degree, he was appointed a lecturer in Medieval German Studies at Mannheim University. Since 2001, he has been working as a business archivist. Between 2001 and 2004 he gave several lectures on Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival. He was awarded a Dr. phil. (which is similar to a Ph. D.) in Medieval German Studies in 2005.
- Matèries
- Alquímia
Traduccions Alemany
- Notes
- Publicació de tesi doctoral (Univ. Mannheim, 2005).
Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.dwverlag.de/index1.htm 
Sumari: http://www.gbv.de/dms/bsz/toc/bsz117312762inh.pdf // http://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz117312762inh.htm