Darrera modificació: 2025-02-04 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Floyd, John Paul, A Sorry Saga: Theft, Forgery, Scholarship... and the Vinland Map, Glasgow, l'autor, 2018, 479 pp.
- Resum
- Five decades have now passed since a major university proudly announced the existence of the Vinland Map to the world. Hailed as the "oldest known map showing American lands," its publication was greeted with a wave of chaotic controversy. To this day, despite being widely denounced as a forgery, the Vinland Map still exercises a mysterious drawing power. In a detailed critical study, Scottish researcher John Paul Floyd sets out his personal discoveries which expose the true scandals surrounding the Vinland Map. It is a story of a church library subjected to quiet pillage, of shady dealings in the antiquarian bookselling trade, of respectable institutions determined not to relinquish their spoils, of a police investigation intent on thwarting the return of stolen property. It is the story of ancient Icelandic tales, of Norse adventurers and of innocents accused of forgery. It is the story of medieval maps, misguided scholarship and a scientific debacle. It is a story of how experts have overlooked the obvious for fifty years. Nobody with even a passing interest in the Vinland Map controversy can afford to be unaware of the findings presented in “A Sorry Saga.”
* Preface · xiii
* Introduction · 3
* 1. The Making of a Mystery · 7
Two Remarkable Dealers -- Two Extraordinary Documents -- Discussions at the Museum -- On to Geneva -- On American shores
* 2. The Missing Link · 25
The Speculum Historiale volume -- From Irving Davis to New Haven -- Laurence Witten's dramatic discovery -- A miracle... or not?
* 3. The Looting of La Seo · 39
* 4. The Manuscripts of La Seo · 49
Aftermath -- The Greek Manuscripts of La Seo -- Manuscripts from La Seo in other languages -- The Latin Manuscripts of La Seo
* 5. The Books of La Seo · 69
Yale University and the Books of La Seo -- The British Museum and the Books of La Seo -- Afterword to Chapter 5
* 6. Provenance Unknown · 97
‘A Private Collection in Europe' -- From the library of Columbus? -- From the library of President Peron? -- A Castle in Moravia
* 7- The Innocence of Father Fischer · 111
The Case against Luka Jelic -- Problems with patronymics -- The ‘companions' Bjarni and Leifr -- Bishop Eirikr, Pope Pascal II and Hungrvaka -- Ultima Thule, the Samoyeds, and Adam of Bremen -- Isolanda Ibernica -- Dacia for Denmark -- Father Fischer's ‘shaky knowledge' -- The depiction of Vinland -- The handwriting on the Vinland Map -- Some closing remarks
* 8. Two Baffling Inscriptions · 161
The Enigma of the ‘Third Part' Inscription -- The Problem of the So-Called ‘Map Title' Inscription
* 9. The Pre-1957 Sources Unveiled · 175
The Description of Don Cristobal Perez Pastor -- As seen in Madrid: the Exposicion Historico-Europea, 1892-1893
* 10. A Closer Look at the New-found Sources · 193
The Palencia Connection: A Phantom Link -- Additional Gleanings from the Catdlogo General
* 11. The Scientific Quest for Anachronism · 203
Chronological Survey -- Reflections on the Scientific Debate: The British Museum Research Laboratory study -- The McCrone studies -- The UC Davis PIXE study -- The Brown and Clark Raman spectrographic study -- The Harbottle paper and the response of Towe et al. -- Conclusion
* 12. The Cartographical Quest for Anachronism · 263
The Mercator World Map of 1569 -- The Maggiolo World Map of 1511 -- The Atlas of Angelo Freducci, 1556 -- A modern map of Asia in Diercke's Schul- Atlas --
Elements of Map Projection by Deetz and Adams -- The Case of Greenland -- Conclusion
* 13. A Cartographical Solution · 285
The Vinland Map's dependence upon Formaleoni (1782): The Azores and the Madeira Islands -- The Black Sea -- The Sea of Marmara -- Other features in the eastern Mediterranean region -- The Mediterranean coastline west of the Nile -- The Iberian Peninsula -- The north coast of Denmark -- Ireland, Britain and the facing coastline -- Conclusion
* 14. Journey's End · 307
* APPENDIX A: Latin Manuscripts from Zaragoza Cathedral Library presently at New Haven · 311
* APPENDIX B: Latin Manuscripts from Zaragoza Cathedral Library presently at the University of Pennsylvania · 323
* Notes · 327
* Bibliography · 407
* Index · 433
- Matèries
- Història del llibre
Biblioteques Geografia i viatges
- Notes
- Se'n va publicar una primera edició de 431 pp. sense índex.
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