Darrera modificació: 2024-12-24 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Das, Aileen R., Galen's Humanistic Medicine: The Essay Quod Optimus Medicus, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck (Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia, 43), 2023, 190 pp.
- Resum
- The present volume offers an edition, updated English translation of, introduction to, and seven multi-authored contributions on Galen's small tract That the Best Doctor is also a Philosopher. The volume seeks to put Galen's text into conversation with recent interrogations of medicine's self-sufficiency – or disciplinary autonomy – in the Medical Humanities. As the title of the ancient work conveys and the essays in this volume unpack, Galen argues for a reenvisioning of medicine by making philosophy constitutive of his profession on the grounds that the latter's methods of reasoning, explanations of the natural world, and ethical directives enable the doctor to understand and treat the body in disease. In so doing, Galen expands medical knowledge at the expanse of instrumentalizing the philosophical.
A. Introduction: The Best Doctor‑Philosopher (Aileen R. Das) · 3
1. Origin Stories · 5
2. Galen's Textual Edifice · 8
3. The Text · 12
4. Receptions · 14
5. Textual Histories · 16
6. Principles of Translation · 18
7. A short note on the Greek text of Galen's QOM in this volume (Heinz‑GüntherNesselrath) · 20
B.Text,Translation and Notes
ΓΑΛΗΝΟΥΟΤΙΟΑΡΙΣΤΟΣΙΑΤΡΟΣΚΑΙΦΙΛΟΣΟΦΟΣ(Text by Heinz‑Günther Nesselrath and Translation by Aileen R.Das) · 24
Notes on the Translation (Aileen R. Das and Heinz‑Günther Nesselrath [N.J]) · 32
C.Essays Galen's Plea for an “Understanding of Medicine”: Ancient Lessons for Today's Practice (Florian Steger) · 47
1. Introduction:How to Practice Medicine Well · 47
2. Patient‑Doctor Communication · 51
3. Theory in Practice · 53
4. Money and Medicine · 59
5. An Empirical Approach · 61
6. The Doctor‑Philosopher,a Romantic Ideal? · 63
Galen and Pergamon:The Role of Religion in Framing Medical Authority (Bronwen L. Wickkiser) · 67
1. Religion · 68
2. Asclepius, Physicians, and Pergamon · 70
3. Galen and Asclepius · 78
4. QOM and the Gods · 88
Genre, Rhetoric, and Philosophical Discourse: A Rhetorical Analysis of Quod optimus medicus sit quoque philosophus (Todd Curtis) · 91
1. Occasion and Exigency of QOM · 91
2. Philosophical Discourse, Genre, and QOM · 96
3. Hippocrates, Askesis, and the Rhetorical Topos in QOM · 107
4. Conclusion · 110
“Galen's Hippocrates” in That the Best Doctor is also a Philosopher (Ralph M. Rosen) · 13
Galen between Medicine and Philosophy (Teun Tieleman) · 127
Galen's Philosopher‑Physician from Late Antiquity to the Arabic Islamic World inʿAbbāsid Times (Elvira Wakelnig) · 135
1. The Arabic Translation of QOM: Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq's That the Excellent Physician Must Be a Philosopher · 136
2. Medicine as the Noblest Science Allegedly according toAristotle: ʿAlī ibn Rabban al‑Ṭabarī's Paradise of Wisdomon Medicine · 140
3. The Physician as the True Imitator of God: IsḥāqibnʿAlīal‑Ruhāwī's The Good Manners of the Physician · 142
4. The First Attested Arabic Quotations from QOM:Abū Bakral‑Rāzī's On the Examination of the Physician and his Appointment · 144
5. When Reality Catches Up:Abūl‑Ḥasan al‑Ṭabarī's Hippocratic Treatments · 146
6. Rejecting the Galenic Dictum: Ibn Hindū's Key to Medicine and the Guide for Students · 147
7. The Physician In so far as He Is aPhysician Is No Philosopher: Ibn Sīnā's Canon on Medicine · 149
8. Toward a Clear Separation between Philosophy and Medicine: Ibn Buḫtīšū's Epistle about Medicine and the Psychic States · 152
9. Conclusion · 153
* Petit (2023), "Humanitas and the Galenic ..." · 155
1. Erasmus and Galen's Quod optimus medicus sit quoque philosophus · 156
2. The Ideal Physician in the Renaissance · 161
3. The Physician and Humanitas · 163
4. Conclusion: The Ideal Doctor, Philosophy, and Religion · 166
- Matèries
- Galè
Humanisme Història de la medicina
- Notes
- Introducció de l'editor