Darrera modificació: 2016-11-23 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
O'Neill, Ynez Violé, "Michele Savonarola and the fera or blighted twin phenomenon", Medical History, 18 (1974), 222-239.
- Resum
- Quattrocento medical writings have fascinated few modem historians of medicine. Despite Lynn Thorndike's masterful challenges to it,' George Sarton's view has generally prevailed with investigators, that for science the Italian Renaissance, while perhaps a period of preparation, was certainly a period of dissolution. Although in recent years historians have come to realize that Vesalius' achievement was built on a tradition of anatomical investigation that developed in the Italian universities during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, they have disregarded in large part the clinical writings of the academicians who- lectured on medical topics in the same institutions. Historians of embryology and generation in particular seem to have ignored the works of the physicians whose interests led them to consider these subjects during the period between the lives of Mondino and Leonardo da Vinci,' and in consequence, have overlooked a curious but significant account almost hidden in a medical encyclopaedia compiled by Giovanni Michele Savonarola. The purpose of this paper is to present Savonarola's description of an obstetrical rarity, to examine his explanation of it in light of the sources he believed to be authoritative, and to demonstrate how it and certain other obstetrical phenomena not only may be elucidated by modem findings, but may illuminate the medical thought of his age. Since the account is contained in Savonarola's Practica major, it seems appropriate to review briefly some of the facts known concerning the life and writings of that distinguished but ever genial student of human nature.
- Matèries
- Medicina - Cirurgia i anatomia
Medicina - Ginecologia, obstetrícia i cosmètica Fonts
- http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/picrender.fcgi?art ...
