Darrera modificació: 2020-06-10 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Quiviger, François, "Early Modern ‘Afterlife'. Il banchetto rinascimentale come arte performativa", dins: Bortoletti, Francesca - Sacchi, Annalisa (dirs.), LA PERFORMANCE DELLA MEMORIA. La scena del teatro come luogo di sopravvivenze, ritorni, tracce e fantasmi, Bolonia, Baskerville (Biblioteca di Scienze della Comunicazione, 28), 2018, pp. 161-175.
- Resum
- This essay examines the Renaissance banqueting tradition as an early instance of performance art. The starting point is Joseph Beuys' approach to art in general, and performance in particular. I test the following hypothesis. Not only does Beuys understanding of the world resembles the early modern vision, but it also comes along the modern decline of dualism and the rise of neuro-scientific ideas connecting the mind with the world, the so-callede-cognitions. In Beuys this intellectual climate produces an art form working through the sensory immersion of the audience. Since the Renaissance shares a very similar world-view, it must have also produced a multisensory immersive art: this is the banqueting tradition, which I suggest to treat as seriously as Beuys' works. To explore this point I examine core aspects of Renaissance Banqueting as multisensory art, and as providers of a broad interpretative model connecting the universe of the Renaissance with the contemporary world.
- Matèries
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Història de l'art
- https://www.academia.edu/36722209/Early_Modern_Afte ...