Darrera modificació: 2019-12-04 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Vives, J. L., De institutione feminae Christianae: introduction, critical edition, [English] translation and notes, edited by Charles Fantazzi and Constantinus Matheeussen; translated by Charles Fantazzi, Leiden - Nova York - Colònia, Brill (Selected Works of Juan Luis Vives, 6-7), 1996 - 1998, 2 vols. (xxx + 218 pp.; xii + 256 pp.).
- Resum
- This is a critical edition of the Latin text of the De institutione feminae Christianae of Juan Luis Vives [sic] together with a double apparatus and a facing-page English translation with notes. The work was written in 1523 and dedicated to Catherine of Aragon for the instruction of her daughter Princess Mary. It was thoroughly revised in 1538 and the changes introduced are of great interest for the history of the text. The De institutione is considered to be the most important treatise of the Renaissance on the education of women, cited and imitated throughout the sixteenth century. Although Vives sometimes betrays traditional attitudes towards the status of women, he gives expression to many liberalizing humanistic ideas. In all, it is a clear public acknowledgment of women's probity, dignity and capability for learning. It became a model for cunduct books in various Protestant traditions and as such has always been of interest to historians of education. However, the treatise also made a very important contribution to the querelle des femmes of its time and has consequently generated much interest among modern historians of women and gender. It consists of 3 books, one for each stage of woman's life –maidenhood, marriage and widowhood. The only English translation of the text on offer till now was the inaccurate and free version of Richard Hyrde (a friend of Thomas More), published early in the 20th century by Foster Watson, but now unavailable. -- Charles E. Fantazzi, Ph.D. (1964) in Comparative Literature, Harvard University, is Professor Emeritus of Classics at the University of Windsor. He is an editor and translator of the Toronto Collected Works of Erasmus, and has published several texts and translations of Vives with Brill.
* Vol. 1.
— Introduction: I. Prefatory remarks -- II. Circumstances of composition -- III. Editions and constitution of the text -- IV. Translations -- V. Revisions in the 1538 edition -- VI. Sources and cultural background -- VII. Abbreviations used in the introduction, apparatus and notes -- Sigla
— De institutione feminae Christianae
— Praefatio
— LIBER I: Cap. I. De educatione virginis infantis -- Cap. II. De reliqua infantia -- Cap. III. De primis exercitamentis -- Cap. IV. De doctrina puellarum -- Cap. V. Qui non legendi scriptores qui legendi -- Cap. VI. De virginitate -- Cap. VII. Quomodo virgo corpus tractabit -- Cap. VIII. De ornamentis -- Cap. IX. De solitudine virginis -- Cap. X. De virtutibus feminae et exemplis quae imitetur -- Cap. XI. Quomodo foris aget -- Cap. XII. De saltationibus -- Cap. XIII. De amoribus -- Cap. XIV. De amore virginum -- Cap. XV. De quaerendo sposo
— Appendix -- Index nominum -- Index locorum -- Verba memorabilia
* Vol. 2.
— Introduction -- Abbreviations used in the introduction, apparatus and notes -- Sigla
— LIBER II: Cap. I. Quid cogitare debeat quae nubit -- Cap. II. Duo maxima in muliere coniugata -- Cap. III. Quomodo se erga maritum habebit -- Cap. IV. De concordia coniugum -- Cap. V. Quomodo privatim se cum marito habere debet -- Cap. VI. De zelotypia -- Cap. VII. De ornamentis -- Cap. VIII. De publico -- Cap. IX. Quomodo agendum domi -- Cap. X. De liberis et quae circa illos cura -- Cap. XI. De bis nuptis et novercis -- Cap. XII. Quomodo se geret cum consanguineis et affinibus -- Cap. XIII. Quomodo cum filio aut filia coniugata cum genero et nuru -- Cap. XIV. De matre familias provectioris aetatis
— LIBER III: Cap. I. De luctu viduarum -- Cap. II. De funere mariti -- Cap. III. De memoria mariti -- Cap. IV. De continentia et honestate viduae -- Cap. V. Quomodo agendum domi -- Cap. VI. Quomodo foris -- Cap. VII. De secundis nuptiis
— Appendix -- Index nominum -- Index locorum -- Verba memorabilia
- Matèries
- Història de la cultura
Educació Dones
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor I

Informació de l'editor II-III .
La traducció a l'anglès actual ha estat publicada separadament a Vives (2000), The Education of a Christian ....
- https://books.google.es/books?id=I24XIEGvQbAC&lpg=P ...