Darrera modificació: 2020-07-02 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Stok, Fabio, "Vindiciano e la teoria dei temperamenti", Medicina nei Secoli, 24/2 (2012), 517-532.
- Resum
- Vindicianus, in his Epistula to Pentadius, refers to a latinized edition of an Hippocratic medical work which is not the De natura hominis nor any other Hippocratic text. The recent edition of the pseudohippocratic De pulsibus et de temperamentis corporis humani clearly proves that the Epistula is a translation of this text. The article discusses the question of the attribution of the Epistula, already problematized by J. Jouanna, its dating and its sources, surely including the pseudohippocratic De pulsibus et de temperamentis, but also a more ancient medical tradition, at least referring to Pseudoarist. Probl. 30,1.
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