Darrera modificació: 2022-08-16 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat, Arnau
Page, Sophie - Rider, Catherine (eds.), The Routledge History of Medieval Magic, Abingdon, Routledge (The Routledge Histories), 2019, 593 pp.
- Resum
- In recent decades scholars have paid increasingly serious attention to the issue of magic in the medieval period. Moving beyond simplistic notions of witchcraft and supernatural folklore, this Research Companion provides an up-to-date assessment and overview of the latest academic research. Contributions from leading historians of medieval magic demonstrate that a wide range of people were engaged in magical activities from all groups in society, and that a great variety of magical texts were in circulation. Many of these texts have now been edited and recent scholarship has focussed on the often sophisticated ways in which their authors, practitioners and critics engaged with religious concerns and ideas about the cosmos. Current historiography has also increased our understanding of the routes by which Arabic, Hebrew and Greek magic texts entered the Latin West and were disseminated, and this important subject is also addressed in the volume, helping illuminate the relationship between learned magic and witchcraft trials, and explaining why positive attitudes to magic co-existed with the persecution of magical practitioners at the end of the Middle Ages. This volume provides both an overview of the current state of scholarship into medieval magic, and a springboard for further research. It will prove an invaluable resource to anyone wishing to better understand the middle ages generally, and the place of magic within it more specifically.
* Sophie Page - Catherine Rider / Introduction · 1-13
-- Part One: Conceptualizing Magic
* Richard Kieckhefer / Rethinking How to Define Magic · 15-25
* Claire Fanger / For Magic: against Method · 26-36
* Bernd-Christian Otto / A Discourse Historical Approach towards Medieval Learned Magic · 37-47
* D. L. d'Avray / The Concept of Magic · 48-56
* Richard Kieckhefer - D. L. d'Avray - Bernd-Christian Otto - Claire Fange / Responses · 57-68
-- Part Two: Languages and Dissemination
* Charles Burnett / Arabic Magic: the Impetus for Translating Texts, and their Reception · 71-84
* Mesler (2019), "The Latin encounter with Hebrew ..." · 85-98
* Giralt (2019), "Magic in Romance languages" · 99-111
* Benedek Láng / Central and Eastern Europe · 112-122
* Mark Williams / Magic in Celtic Lands · 123-135
* Stephen A. Mitchell / Scandinavia · 136-150
-- Part Three: Key Genres and Figures
* Antonella Sannino / From Hermetic Magic to the Magic of Marvels · 153-168
* Draelants (2019), "The Notion of Properties: A ..." · 169-186
* Julien Véronèse / Solomonic Magic · 187-200
* Klaassen (2019), "Necromancy" · 201-211
* Claire Fanger - Nicholas Watson / John of Morigny · 212-224
* Nicolas Weill-Parot / Cecco d'Ascoli and Antonio da Montolmo: The Building of a "Nigromantical" Cosmology and the Birth of the Author-Magician · 225-236
* Gehr (2019), "Beringarius Ganellus and the ..." · 237-253
* Weill-Parot (2019), "Jerome Torrella and Astrological ..." · 254-267
* Jean-Marc Mandosio / Peter of Zealand · 268-284
-- Part Four: Themes (Magic and…)
* Marrone (2019), "Magic and Natural Philosophy" · 287-298
* Peter Murray Jones - Lea T. Olsan / Medicine and Magic · 299-311
* Robert Goulding / Illusion · 312-330
* Jean-Patrice Boudet / Magic at Court · 331-342
* Catherine Rider / Magic and Gender · 343-354
* Corinne Saunders / Magic in Literature: Romance Transformations · 355-370
* John Haines / Music · 371-382
* Gilchrist (2019), "Magic and archaeology: ritual ..." · 383-401
* Alejandro García Avilés / The Visual Culture of Magic in the Middle Ages · 402-431
* Sophie Page / Medieval Magical Figures: Between Image and Text · 432-458
-- Part Five: Anti-Magical Discourse in the Later Middle Ages
* Collins (2019), "Scholasticism and High Medieval ..." · 461-474
* Kathleen Kamerick / Pastoral Literature and Preaching · 475-486
* Michael D. Bailey / Superstition and Sorcery · 487-501
* Martine Ostorero / Witchcraft · 502-522
* Alejandro García Avilés / Epilogue: Cosmology and Magic: the Angel of Mars in the Libro de Astromagia · 523-532
* Further Reading
- Matèries
- Màgia
Diccionaris i enciclopèdies Traduccions Llatí Àrab Astronomia i astrologia
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor
- https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315613192

https://books.google.es/books?id=sy-DDwAAQBAJ&lpg=P ...