Darrera modificació: 2018-09-12 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Kahl, Oliver (ed.), ‘Ubaidallāh Ibn Buḫtīšū‘ on Apparent Death: The Kitāb Taḥrīm dafn al-aḥyāʾ, Arabic edition and English translation, with a Hebrew Supplement by Gerrit Bos, Leiden, Brill (Islamic Philosophy, Theology and Science Texts and Studies, 105), 2018, xiv + 340 pp.
- Resum
- The Kitāb Taḥrīm dafn al-aḥyāʾ, the Book on the Prohibition to Bury the Living, written by the Nestorian physician ʿUbaidallāh Ibn Buḫtīšūʿ (d. c. 1060 CE), deals with the causes, signs and treatments of apparent death. Based on a short pseudo-Galenic treatise, whose Greek original is lost, ʿUbaidallāh's Arabic commentary is a comprehensive and in many ways unique piece of scientific writing that moreover promotes a psychological understanding of physical illness. Oliver Kahl's present book offers a critical Arabic edition with annotated English translation of ʿUbaidallāh's work on apparent death, framed by a detailed introductory study and extensive glossaries covering all relevant terms; for comparative purposes, the Arabic and Hebrew recensions of the lost Greek prototype are presented in an appendix.
- Matèries
- Medicina
Arabisme Hebraisme Fonts Àrab Edició
- https://brill.com/abstract/title/38504

https://www.academia.edu/37379940/Pseudo-Galen_On_t ... (Hebrew Supplement)