Darrera modificació: 2018-02-15 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Classen, Albrecht (eds.), Magic and Magicians in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Time: The Occult in Pre-Modern Sciences, Medicine, Literature, Religion, and Astrology, Berlín, Walter de Gruyter (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 20), 2017, x + 757 pp.
- Resum
- There are no clear demarcation lines between magic, astrology, necromancy, medicine, and even sciences in the pre-modern world. Under the umbrella term 'magic,' the contributors to this volume examine a wide range of texts, both literary and religious, both medical and philosophical, in which the topic is discussed from many different perspectives. The fundamental concerns address issue such as how people perceived magic, whether they accepted it and utilized it for their own purposes, and what impact magic might have had on the mental structures of that time. While some papers examine the specific appearance of magicians in literary texts, others analyze the practical application of magic in medical contexts. In addition, this volume includes studies that deal with the rise of the witch craze in the late fifteenth century and then also investigate whether the Weberian notion of disenchantment pertaining to the modern world can be maintained. Magic is, oddly but significantly, still around us and exerts its influence. Focusing on magic in the medieval world thus helps us to shed light on human culture at large.
* Albrecht Classen / Magic in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age - Literature, Science, Religion, Philosophy, Music, and Art. An Introduction · 1
* Warren Tormey / Magical (and Maligned) Metalworkers: Understanding Representations of Early and High Medieval Blacksmiths · 109
* Chiara Benati / Painted Eyes, Magical Sieves and Carved Runes: Charms for Catching and Punishing Thieves in the Medieval and Early Modern Germanic Tradition · 149
* Aideen M. O'Leary / Constructing the Magical Biography of the Irish Druid Mog Ruith · 219
* Christoph Galle / Zum Umgang mit Zauberern im Rahmen frühmittelalterlicher Missionsanstrengungen (Dealing with Magicians Within the Framework of Early Medieval Missionizing Efforts) · 231
* Nurit Golan / Magic and Science: The Portail des libraires, Rouen · 259
* Christopher R. Clason / The Magic of Love: Queen Isolde, the Magician Clinschor, and “Seeing” in Gottfried's Tristan and Wolfram's Parzival · 291
* Rosmarie Thee Morewedge / Magical Gifts in Gottfried von Strassburg's Tristan und Isolde and the Rejection of Magic · 315
* Cristina Azuela / Was Eustace Diabolical? Magic and Devilry in Le roman de Wistasse le moine · 337
* Anne Berthelot / Merlin, or, a Prophet Turning Magician · 377
* Christa Agnes Tuczay / The Book of Zabulon - A Quest for Hidden Secrets: Intertextuality and Magical Genealogy in Middle High German Literature, with an Emphasis on Rein fried von Braunschweig · 397
* Veronica Menaldi / Miracles and Magic: Necromantic Practices Found in Cantiga 125 · 423
* Kathleen Jarchow / Magic at the Margins: The Mystification of Maugis d'Aigremont · 439
* Claire Fänger / The Magician at Home with his Family: Comparative Historical Ethnographies of Two Pre- Modern Magicians from Autobiographical Sources: John of Morigny and the Tibetan Monk Milarepa · 475
* Lisa M. C. Weston / Curious Clerks: Image Magic and Chaucerian Poetics · 489
* Daniel F. Pigg / Representing Magic and Science in The Franklin's Tale and The Canon's Yeoman's Tale: Chaucer's Exploration of Connected Topics · 507
* Albrecht Classen / Magic in Late Medieval German Literature: The Case of the Good Magician Malagis · 523
* Dalicia K. Raymond / Motives, Means, and a Malevolent Mantel: The Case of Morgan le Fay's Transgressions in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur · 547
* Amiri Ayanna / Witchcraft, Heinrich Kramer's Nuremburg Handbook, and Ecclesiasticus: The Construction of the Fifteenth-Century Civic Sorceress · 565
* Tomíček (2017), "Magic and ritual in late-medieval ..." · 591
* Elizabeth Chesney Zegura / Attempted Murder by Magic: The Sorcerer and His Apprentice in Marguerite de Navarre's Heptaméron 1 · 609
* Thomas Willard / How Magical Was Renaissance Magic? · 637
* Martha Moffitt Peacock / Magic in Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen's Saul and the Witch of Endor · 657
* Jiff Koten / Heterochronic Representation of Magic in Czech Chapbooks · 685
* Allison P. Coudert / Rethinking Max Weber's Theory of Disenchantment · 705
* Contributors · 741
* Index · 749
- Matèries
- Màgia
Medicina Història de la literatura Religió - Espiritualitat Astronomia i astrologia
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor

- https://books.google.es/books?id=PsM7DwAAQBAJ&lpg=P ...