Darrera modificació: 2015-02-26 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Cipriani, Mattia, La place de Thomas de Cantimpré dans l'encyclopédisme médiéval: les sources du Liber de natura rerum, Tesi doctoral de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (París) - Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (Florència), 2014.
- Resum
- The dissertation focused on this medieval encyclopedia's explicit and implicit sources and its placement in medieval thought. In order to understand this text and its compiler, the work is divided into two parts: 1) a new philological reconstruction of the Liber together with a statement of all the identifiable sources used by the Flemish Dominican; 2) a commentary of the new Liber analysing and explaining the culture of Thomas. The analysis of the Liber de natura rerum hence was not limited to the philological level, but portrayed the text in hermeneutic terms: through the analysis of the sources, the aims of Thomas de Cantimpré were reconstructed and his work were placed with more precision in the complex reality of medieval encyclopedism. Furthermore, the encyclopedic work was dated with more accuracy.
- Matèries
- Enciclopedisme
Fonts Llatí
- Notes
- Dir.: Danielle Jacquart (EPHE) i Franco Cardini (Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane).
EPHE Soutenances