Darrera modificació: 2013-11-21 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Oberhelman, Steven M. (ed.), Dreams, Healing, and Medicine in Greece From Antiquity to the Present, Farnham (UK), Ashgate, 2013, 356 pp.
- Resum
- This volume centers on dreams in Greek medicine from the fifth-century B.C.E. Hippocratic Regimen down to the modern era. Medicine is here defined in a wider sense than just formal medical praxis, and includes non-formal medical healing methods such as folk pharmacopeia, religion, 'magical' methods (e.g., amulets, exorcisms, and spells), and home remedies. This volume examines how in Greek culture dreams have played an integral part in formal and non-formal means of healing. -- The papers are organized into three major diachronic periods. The first group focuses on the classical Greek through late Roman Greek periods. Topics include dreams in the Hippocratic corpus; the cult of the god Asclepius and its healing centers, with their incubation and miracle dream-cures; dreams in the writings of Galen and other medical writers of the Roman Empire; and medical dreams in popular oneirocritic texts, especially the second-century C.E. dreambook by Artemidorus of Daldis, the most noted professional dream interpreter of antiquity. The second group of papers looks to the Christian Byzantine era, when dream incubation and dream healings were practised at churches and shrines, carried out by living and dead saints. Also discussed are dreams as a medical tool used by physicians in their hospital praxis and in the practical medical texts (iatrosophia) that they and laypeople consulted for the healing of disease. The final papers deal with dreams and healing in Greece from the Turkish period of Greece down to the current day in the Greek islands. The concluding chapter brings the book a full circle by discussing how modern psychotherapists and psychologists use Ascelpian dream-rituals on pilgrimages to Greece.
* Introduction: medical pluralism, healing, and dreams in Greek culture / Steven M. Oberhelman
-- Part 1 Antiquity:
* The value of dream diagnosis in the medical praxis of the Hippocratics and Galen / Maithe A. A. Hulskamp
* Dream healing in Asclepieia in the Mediterranean / Louise Cilliers & François Pieter Retief
* Writing the medical dream in the Hippocratics corpus at Epidaurus / Lee T. Pearcy
* Dream hermeneutics in Aelius Aristides' Hieroi Logoi / Janet Downie
* Illness and its metaphors in Artemidorus' Oneirocritica: a negative list / Christine Walde
-- Part 2 Byzantium:
* Who is behind incubation stories? The hagiographers of Byzantine dream-healing miracles / Ildikó Csepregi
* Healing dreams in early Byzantine miracle collections / Stavroula Constantinou
* Hospital dreams in Byzantium / Timothy S. Miller
* The stuff of dreams: substances and dreams in Greek and Latin literature / Jovan Bilbija
* Magic, infidelity, and secret annotations in a Cypriot manuscript of the early 14th century Welcome MSL 14) / Barbara Zipser
-- Part 3 The Post-Byzantine Period to the Current Day:
* Dreams, dreambooks, and post-Byzantine practical healing manuals (iatrosophia) / Steven M. Oberhelman
* Fields in dreams: anxiety, experience, and the limits of social constructionism in modern Greek dream narratives / Charles Stewart
* Dream healing for a new age / Jill Dubisch
- Matèries
- Medicina
Màgia - Màgia mèdica i protectora Grec
- Notes
- Informació de l'editor

* Chiara Thumiger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review, 2013.11.33. URL: http://www.bmcreview.org/2013/11/20131133.html