Darrera modificació: 2014-04-20 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Foucault, Michel, Histoire de la folie à l'âge classique. Suivi de: "Mon corps, ce papier, ce feu"; et "La Folie, l'absence d'oeuvre", París, Gallimard (Bibliothèque des histoires, 8), 1972, 621 pp.
- Resum
- Història de la follia de l'edat mitjana al segle XIX, a través de l'estudi de l'internament; història dels límits pels quals una cultura rebutja alguna cosa que serà per a ella l'Exterior.
Challenging entrenched views of madness and reason, History of Madness is one of the classics of 20th century thought. It is Foucault's first major work, written in a dazzling and sometimes enigmatic literary style. It also introduces many of the inspiring and radical themes that he was to write about throughout his life, above all the nature of power and social exclusion. History of Madness begins in the Middle Ages with vivid descriptions of the exclusion and confinement of lepers. Why Foucault asks, when the leper houses were emptied at the end of the Middle Ages, were they turned into places of confinement for the mad? Why, within the space of several months in 1656, was one out of every hundred people in Paris confined? Foucault's bold and controversial answer is that throughout modern history, madness has meant isolation, repression and exclusion. Even the Enlightenment, which attempted to educate and include the mad, ended up imprisoning them in a moral world. As Foucault famously declared to a reporter from Le Monde in 1961, ʺMadness exists only in society. It does not exist outside the forms of sensibility that isolate it, and the form of repulsion that expel it or capture it.ʺ Shifting brilliantly from Descartes and early Enlightenment thought to the founding of the Hopital General in Paris and the work of philanthropists and early psychiatrists such as Philippe Pinel and Samuel Tuke, Foucault focuses throughout not only on the philosophical and cultural values attached to the mad. He also urges us to recognize the creative forces that madness represents, drawing on examples from Goya, Nietzsche, Van Gogh and Artaud. History of Madness is an inspiring and classic work that challenges up to understand madness, reason and power and the forces that shape them. Also includes information on alienation, animal spirits, asylums, Hieronymus Bosch, brain, burning at the stake, Christ and symbolism, classical age, confinement, convulsions, crime, delirium, dementia, dreams, alienation and exclusion, fear, God, hallucinations, hospitals, houses of confinement, houses of correction, hysteria, the insane, lunatics, mania, melancholy, mind, morality, positivism, prisons, poverty, punishment, the Renaissance, the French Revolution, sin, soul, suicide, symbolism, treatments, vapours, venereal disease, water, wisdom, witchcraft, women, work, workhouses, etc.
- Matèries
- Història de la medicina
Mentalitats Societat Medicina - Psicologia i psiquiatria
- Notes
- Reimpr.: 1975, 1976, 1982, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010.
És una 2a edició ampliada de l'original de 1961, que constituí la seva tesi doctoral: Folie et déraison: histoire de la folie à l'âge classique, París, Plon, 1961, xi + 674 pp. Ed. abreujada de l'ed. 1961: Folie et déraison: histoire de la folie à l'âge classique, París, Union générale d'édition, 1964, 308 pp.
Trad. angl. de l'ed. 1964: Madness and civilization: a history of insanity in the Age of Reason, Londres, Tavistock, 1967, xiv + 299 pp. Reimpr.: Londres, Routledge, 2001. Trad. esp. de l'ed. 1964: Historia de la locura en la época clásica, Mèxic, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1965, 277 pp. Reimpr.: 1967. Trad. angl. de l'ed. 1972: History of madness, Londres - Nova York, Routledge, 2006, xxv + 725 pp. Trad. esp. de l'ed. 1972: Historia de la locura en la época clásica, Mèxic, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1976, 2 vols., 575 + 411 pp. Trad. it. de l'ed. 1972: Storia della follia nell'eta classica, Milà, Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1976, 675 pp.