Darrera modificació: 2025-02-05 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Bos, Gerrit - Mensching, Guido, "The Black Death in Hebrew literature: Abraham Ben Solomon Ḥen's Tractatulus de pestilentia. Edition of the Hebrew text with introduction, English translation and supplement of the Romance terminology", Jewish Studies Quarterly, 18/1 (2011), 32-63.
- Resum
- This paper examines the representation and interpretation of the Black Death within Hebrew literature, focusing specifically on Abraham ben Solomon Ḥen's work, Tractatulus de pestilentia. It analyzes historical contexts, previous scholarly contributions, and the unique perspectives offered by Jewish authors during this period of crisis. The findings highlight how these texts contribute to the understanding of the Black Death's impact on societal views on medicine, health, and individual responsibility.
- Matèries
- Medicina - Pesta i altres malalties
Hebreu Jueus
- Notes
- Obra sense data, sense títol i incompleta al ms. únic que la conserva, a Leiden, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, Or. 4778 (Warner 40/7), ff. 123v-126v, possiblement copiat el 1484 (Steinschneider datà l'obra en l'any 1349 i li assignà el títol Tractatulus de pestilentia). L'autor era un jueu català, perquè Ḥen equival a Gracià, nom d'una prominent família jueva de Barcelona, i perquè la terminologia no hebrea que conté seria catalana.
- https://www.academia.edu/4777762/The_Black_Death_in ...

https://sites.google.com/site/gerritbos1/publicatio ... (preprint)
http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/mohr/jsq/2011 ...