Darrera modificació: 2012-03-05 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Martínez Santamarta, H. Salvador, Alfonso X, el Sabio: una biografía, Madrid, Polifemo, 2003, 756 pp. + 48 pp. de làm.
- Resum
- A truly groundbreaking book, presenting a portrait of Alfonso X, monarch and medieval intellectual par excellence, and the extraordinary cultural history of Spain at that time.
Table of Contents:
* Introduction: The "Alfonsine Era"
* 1. The Apprenticeship of a Great King
* 2. A Prince's Education
* 3. Alfonso King
* 4. The Quest for the Imperial Crown
* 5. Alfonso, King of the Romans
* 6. Gregory X and the End of Imperial Ambitions
* 7. Illness and Intellectual Pursuits
* 8. The Black Decade (1269-1279)
* 9. The Nobles' Rebellion
* 10. Desnaturación
* 11. The Problems of Succession
* 12. Don Sancho is Declared Successor
* 13. Deposition and Civil War
* 14. Don Sancho Seeks the Consolidation of Power: The Curse
* 15. The Last Wills of Alfonso X Conclusion: In Praise of Knowledge
- Matèries
- Història - Política
Història de la cultura Biografia
- Notes
- Fitxa de l'editor: http://www.polifemo.com/ficha_libro.php?isbn=978848 ...

Trad. angl.: Alfonso X, the Learned: A Biography, Leiden, E. J. Brill (Studies in the History of Christian Traditions, 146), 2010. http://books.google.cat/books?id=j0U08htguPUC