Darrera modificació: 2010-11-09 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Camporesi, Piero, La carne impassibile, Milà, Il saggiatore (La cultura, 14), 1983, 300 pp.
- Resum
- [segons l'edició anglesa] In this book, the author examines the significance that the body had for the obsessively religious, superstitious minds of the pre-industrial age. He explores the juxtaposition of medicine and sorcery, cookery and surgery, pharmacy and alchemy, occultism and pragmatism.
Conté, segons l'ed. anglesa:
Part 1
* The «prodigious manna»: the «impassible» saint.
* The dust of death.
* Superhuman and heavenly life.
Part 2
* Death and rebirth: entomata.
* Hyper catharsis.
* The «clock of health», Bertoldo changes diet and dies.
Part 3
* Food for heroes: «clock's broth».
* The cook and the exorcist.
* «Everlasting perfumers».
* Forbidden games.
Part 4
* The «Flesh of god»: «Paradisus voluptatis».
* Food sanctuaries.
* The «Plagues of Africa», «Darkness over Egypt».
- Matèries
- Història
Religió Màgia Folklore
- Notes
- 4a ed. italiana: La carne impassibile: salvezza e salute fra Medioevo e Controriforma, Milà, Garzanti, 1994, 331 pp.
Trad. Francesa: La Chair impassible, Monique Aymard (trad.), París, Flammarion, impr. 1986, 323 pp.
Trad. Anglesa: The incorruptible flesh: bodily mutilation and mortification in religion and folklore, Tania Croft-Murray - Helen Elsom (trad.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988, 440 pp.