Darrera modificació: 2015-05-19 Bases de dades: Sciència.cat
Segarrés, Marta, "La pintura mural en el De diuersis artibus de Teòfil", Urtx, 25 (2011), 146-151.
- Resum
- Our presentation will focus on the book I of De diuersis artibus of Theophilus, one of the most important technical treatises on art and handicraft of the Middle Ages. This is a work from the early twelfth century divided into three books, dealing respectively with painting, glassmaking and metalwork. Our goal is to explain the wall painting technique that is described by the author as well as the different pigments that appear. On the other hand, from our translation of this work into Catalan, we would like to show the philological method applied to the translation of such a technical treatise, focusing on the main difficulties faced and the criteria adopted to deal with.
- Matèries
- Història de la tècnica
Història de l'art Recepció
- http://www.raco.cat/index.php/Urtx/article/view/250 ...